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Leadership Communication Strategies Leader Critique & Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Using the following leaders ( Jack Ma, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet) Evaluate them from a communication lens and compare and contrast their practices, competency and impact.

You can decide how to approach this paper, but at a minimum include:

(1) The leaders you chose and why you chose them.

(2) What they have in common in terms of communication practices

(3) What they may do differently.

(4) What lessons you can learn from them that you can use

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Leadership Communication Strategies
Among the key features of transformational leadership is communication skills. This fact has strong in today's work environment, which requires good communication connectivity between a leader, the workers, the public, and other key stakeholders. Leadership here can apply to the various dimensions of human interactions, including business, education, social functions, health, and security. Among the critical roles communication play is that it enables smooth implementation of changes and policies that produce natural and sustainable outcomes for a particular organization. When it comes to communication in the sense of leadership, leaders need to center their way and mode of communication on the vision, mission, and the projected transformation to society in general (Verghese). Different leaders have different practices and styles that suit their respective organizations' positions from the communication perspectives.
This paper seeks to compare and contrast communication practices, competence, and impact of three renowned leaders, namely Jack Ma, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet. All three leaders are chief executive officers (CEOs) in their respective companies. CEOs oversee an organization’s activities and establish good relations with the employees and other stakeholders for better company reputation and productivity. Thus, the three leaders will serve as practical examples to demonstrate CEOs' communication practices and variability. Bill Gates is an American business mogul who has made several investments and conducted software development. For a long, he has been considered one of the most successful figures in the world of microcomputers. Various general aspects about him make him fit for discussion in the communication domain. Firstly, leading Microsoft, one of the best software companies, makes one thing about the level of communication he has been able to apply. Bill Gates also influences the political aspects due to his involvement in endorsing or opposing some government projects. Other engagements include philanthropy work and contribution to the writing industry. All these suggest that he must have been equipped with proper communication skills and adaptability.
Jack Ma is a Chinese business mogul who co-founded the famous Alibaba foundation. Many consider him an excellent leader who has influenced the world about Chinese business. He has also impacted philanthropy and environmental stewardship. These leadership positions give the picture of a figure experienced in intra- and inter-organizational communication (Verghese). Warren Buffett is a successful investor in America and globally too. He is a CEO of the Berkshire Hathaway company and has contributed to a proper definition of business and investment philosophies. His contribution to political aspects and policy development in various societal problems demonstrates that he has applied a unique and comprehensive communication style.
Various communication strategies are common in all three leaders. Firstly, they all champion transparency in communication. Jack Ma is known for instilling openness and clarity as one of the core values in his former organization, the Alibaba Foundation. This instilling was accompanied by him encouraging all the employers to be honest and clear to streamline communication. Warren Buffett is famous for his company’s letters concerning shareholder position. The notes are instructive yet encompass the aspects of fail undergone by the company. He demonstrates transparency by owning mistakes instead of dismissing them. Bill Gates's openness in communication is identical to how the Bill Gates foundation managers provide honesty and clarity.
Gates, Buffett, and Ma influenced their companies to engage in inter-organizational communication, which is key to forming partnerships and alliances. The outcomes of this move are evident in the number of partnerships formed by the organizations. For instance, the Berkshire Hathaway foundation ...
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