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Black Lives Matter: Injustices Towards the Blacks

Essay Instructions:

Follow the instruction and write a essay

Feel free to message me if you got any question

Black Lives Matter Task

During June and July with the police brutality and killing of African Americans, riots and protests were rampant throughout the U.S. The pictures accompanying this assignment were taken by me at City Hall Park in July and August. These pictures may remind you of Occupy Wall Street.

The purpose of this assignment is to write an essay, in which you discuss how your choice of video, documentaries, and/or other pictures paint a picture of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, including anything from Occupy Wall Street (OWS) to Martin Luther King’s A Letter from Birmingham Jail, and the Civil Rights Movement. You may use pictures or videos you have taken or from any other source. You can include your feelings, thoughts, and experiences with BLM. Something you might want to include in this assignment is how OWS is similar and/or different from Black Lives Matter. You can take this assignment from any perspective (i.e., police, activist, victim, business, government, or onlooker).

This assignment will be posted to the ePortfolio and not completed in Word. You can organize and design (e.g., text wrapping around pictures) this assignment any way you want. The pictures, videos, and documentaries you choose will dictate how you write this.

The citation style can be APA or MLA. It is your choice; just choose the one you are most comfortable with. The length can vary due to the platform it will be submitted on. However, it needs to be fully developed.

It is best to write it out in Word first, and use Spell Check and Grammar Check, as well as check for spacing issues. Once you have done this, then, you can post it to the ePortfolio platform. You will need to do some reformatting because you will upload it to a different system and platform.

As always, I am available via Zoom for an individual session if you are having problems with uploading and/or formatting it to the ePortfolio platform.

Grading will be based on several criteria: (1) Attention to task; (2) Presentation/Design; (3) Content; (4) Proofreading; and (5) Citation style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Black Lives Matter
The picture above was obtained from the University of Chicago news site. It was taken during one of the widespread demonstrations of black lives matter that happened last year. A close inspection of the picture reveals people who love their country but detesting some of the ills that are still prevalent in modern society. Particularly, the issue of racism stands out. One may not help but ask themselves why the issue of racism is still widespread in contemporary society. One would have thought that the dark days experienced by Martin Luther King junior and his fellow black people would be an issue of the past in the 21st century. Further, in a first-world country where great inventions and innovations are made, one would not expect people to practice such behaviors as racism. An evaluation of the critical race theory attempts to give an answer to what could be happening, however. As the theory stipulates, every aspect of the state has been racialized (Dixson and Celia, 121). If every aspect of the state is racialized and shaped by racism, there might be a long way to go before racism can be wiped from humankind or at least reduce significantly.
It is sad to imagine the kind of injustice that racism brings about. Why would one be willing to inflict pain, suffering, and sometimes even death to another human being just because of differences in skin color? As it appears from the picture above, the protestors are holding a flag of the United States. On the flag are imprinted names of citizens who have succumbed to racism. As they march on in their protest, one thing is clear; that all they want is peace and for them to be...
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