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The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Essay Instructions:

For your final essay I am asking you to write a close reading of the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. Remember close readings are about what is going on in the text itself. I want you to put yourself in the Rawl's original position and pretend like you've never heard the words capitalism and communism before. Read the text fresh. Focus only on what is there. What is going on? Why do you think so? Is the text convincing? If so, why? If not, why not?

To be clear, your job this week is to put your entire skillset to work. I want you to read the Communist Manifesto as a philosophical text with a clear argument: a thesis, premises (reasons for believing the thesis), and evidence to support the premises. You should organize your essay to answer the following questions in approximately 900 words:

What do you think the text is arguing?

What evidence is there in the text to support your reading ?

What is the meaning of the text's argument? Why?

What implications are there if the argument is true? Why?

Could the text be read as meaning something else?

What reasons might someone give for holding this alternative reading of the text?

Why do you find your original account of the argument and meaning of the text more persuasive than alternative readings?

Finish your essay by taking a position of your own. What is your thesis? What are your premises (reasons for believing the thesis is true)? What evidence do you have? Why might someone disagree with you? Why are you unpersuaded. This articulation of your own position should be approximately 600 words in length, and should refer back to the preceding philosophical analysis.

Please treat this assignment as one 1500 word essay. Be organized. Consistently follow a stylesheet like MLA, APA, or Chicago. You are encouraged to reference the work of Weston in providing an analysis of what is going on in the text. Finally, pay attention to the rubric. I will be happy to look at early drafts of this essay if you show me in advance.

I encourage you to read one another's essays. See what other people are doing that is better than what you are doing. Follow their example. If you think someone else is doing something incorrectly, let them know. Constructive criticism is crucial at this point. As usual, I expect you to respond thoughtfully and respectfully to the work of a minimum two other students. If someone writes on your essay, please respond. If you believe someone else has plagiarized please contact me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
What do you think the text is arguing?
The text is trying to promote revolutions to further the communists' goals in a deceptive and radical approach. Carl Marx and Engel develop the document disguised as a theory. The paper details contain phrases inspiring the masses to take action and reorder their governments. Notably, they present the government and the rich as the enemy of the working class. They also argue that wealth and power should be redistributed to destroy classes, even though they present it as a theory. Moreover, they foresee a future in which the structures that maintain power and class will be destroyed. The document claims that disorder is inevitable as the poor and low-class that take power have no interest, discernment, or intention to restore order. A close consideration of the document reveals flaws in its positions. Societies that have had revolutions have returned to some forms of organization and power structure. Countries like Russia, France, and the USA are some of those re-ordered by revolution and presently ruled by presidents, governments, and systems that favor capitalism in one way or another. Therefore, Marx and his colleagues are deceptive, radicals, and shortsighted in their document manipulating people to take up revolution, disregarding its consequences, as such actions end in a return to another form of order and structure.
Marx makes arguments that fuel the masses to take up action against their governments through a revolution. Marx et al. argue that “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles," implying that societies have always struggled (14). The statement overlooks periods of peace where societies have co-existed and benefitted, regardless of their differences. Moreover, he declares that society is in constant conflict. He states in the communists' manifesto calling like-minded people to "openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, aims, tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself” (14). The call sought to make communism official and its work public. The intent is, therefore, likely to inspire people sharing his views to begin revolutions.
Notably, Marx does not leave the natural course to result in the cascade of events resulting in wealth and power redistribution; instead, he makes himself its voice by championing people to join in the struggle. This fact is observed when he states, "Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution” (34). The statement is incitement and a threat to existing governments. Finally, Marx claims that "The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win” (34). The statement is an inspiration and a motivation to lead the proletarians to overlook the cost of lives, destabilized economy, and other war effects. Moreover, societies are likely to become disorderly and unproductive without systems of government. Therefore, Marx’s argument for a radicalized society only considered the superficial effects of its outcomes. Details on what could happen, the negative outcomes, are not categorically stated. He fails to delineate losses the working class will bear and thus deceives, seduces, and catalyzes them to violence.
The communist manifesto by Marx and Engels develops four argument areas based on the conflict between workers and production owners that tends to seduce, deceive and catalyze a revolution. The workers and production owners represent two classes that are constantly at war with each other. Notably, the workers, who are at th...
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