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Homosexuality between Omnipotent Administrator and Supermasculine Menial

Essay Instructions:

Drawing on Spillers (and others), a strain of black studies—Afropessimism—has argued that blackness is the foreclosed other to the concept of the sovereign subject and human, thereby revealing the impossibility of grappling with blackness in tandem with gender and agency (among other things)...I position my work as occupying the space of yes, and in relation to Afropessimism. I ask what it might be to take the violence of the pornotrope and the accompanying impossibility of sovereign subjectivity seriously while dwelling in the selfhoods, intimacies, and knowledge systems that emerge from thinking with the flesh. (6, 9)—Amber Jamilla Musser, Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance(2018)

1) Lugones observes that men exhibit an “indifference...to the systematic violences inflicted upon women of color,” and that the notion of intersectionality “has not seemed sufficient to arouse in those men who have themselves been targets of violent domination and exploitation any recognition of their complicity or collaboration with the violent domination of women of color” (188). Do you agree with her assessments?

2) Cleaver’s imaginative essay offers an illustration of what Lugones calls the colonial/modern gender system. Without specifically mentioning any racial formations, Cleaver describes “a most weird and complex dialectic of inversion” arising from the binary opposition between Mind and Body in a society stratified by class inequality (211). Discuss your reactions to any of his following claims:

a. Homosexuality is associated with the Omnipotent Administrator because he envies and desires the gendered embodiment of the Supermasculine Menial (212).

b. To be more feminine than her (effeminate) man, the Ultrafeminine “absorbs into her being [i.e., ontology] the femininity of the woman below her,” the subfeminine Amazon, while also casting off her “domestic component” or labor (211).

c. The Supermasculine Menial and the Ultrafeminine are (unconsciously or psychically) attracted to each other, and the sign of their synthesis would be the female orgasm (216-17). This is also why the lesbian is “frigid” (214).

d. The subfeminine Amazon is “lost between two worlds” [i.e., intersectionality] because she’s attracted to both aspects of the “male hemisphere” (219, 218).

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Homosexuality between Omnipotent Administrator and Supermasculine Menial
In the society we live in, there are certain societal issues, which define the manner in how human beings behave. Gender, for instance, is an issue within the society, which differs from one place to another. Gender being a social construct of the mind its meaning varies across different cultures in the world. During the pre-colonial era in Africa, for example, gender roles and characteristics differ from the post-colonial period. When the colonial administrators established their regimes in different places in the world, gender was redefined through different aspects. Concerning gender, homosexuality became a new concept within different societies in the world. Native American tribes, however, recognized the existence of an additional gender to the two genders together with homosexuality in a positive manner. Homosexuality is associated with the Omnipotent Administrator (the white man) since he envies gendered embodiment of the Supermasculine Menial (black man).
According to the work by Cleaver, there was a period in history, the 1960s, when America was suffering from an identity crisis. In Cleaver’s work, the author seeks to investigate America’s caste racial system and its primeval roots. In America’s previous setting, there was tension existing between the blacks and the whites. The white man tries to convince the black elites to embrace homosexuality by accepting the power structure of the whites. Cleaver is outraged in the manner in which the whites are creating sexual tension with the black in trying to force gender issues ...
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