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Anthropology: Homo habilis

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions carefully (Full directions can be found in the attached PDF or email about assignment)

Pick a primate or extinct hominin species (do not write about yourself) and write a 600-700 word essay on the species’ behavior and ecology (e.g. life history, mating system, feeding ecology, location etc).

If you’re writing about a living primate, write about their conservation status and what threats they face (you can find this on IUCN’s Red list online).

If you’re writing about an extinct hominin, write about what particular evolutionary features (e.g. bipedalism, climbing ability) arose with them, as well as any behaviors that arose with that species (e.g. making Mousterian tools, first to make symbolic art, fire, etc)

You should also include two academic bibliographic references. The reference should be used in the text (eg. Smith, 2018), and listed fully at the end of the essay (see attachment or email about assignment).

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Homo habilis was a two-legged animal with a brain greater than Paranthropus and Australopithecus. It is an ancestor of Homo ergaster and other hominin species. This species was the first to display enlarged Wernicke's and Broca's regions. Hand bones found in Olduvai Gorge in northern Tanzania were assigned to a specimen of 1.8 million years old of Homo habilis. As a result, it was entitled "Handy Man" since it was perceived to represent the initial makers of stone. Even though its origin has become a state of unrest over the past years, the finding of Au. sediba caused some misunderstanding concerning the source of our genus. Recently, the concept that a cladistics event had happened with Au. afarensis was contributing to Au. africanus and others generated several types on one side and the genus Homo on the other, which led to massive popularity.
The Homo habilis species had unique ecology and behavior. These features included distinctive life history, feeding ecology, and mating system. This species is thought to have existed between 2 to 1.5 million years ago. Their size of the brain, feet, and hand characteristics, and they probably applied stone tools, purported that a new form of the human forefather had existed. Homo habilis mainly stayed in a primarily grassland setting. The climate was becoming drier and cooler, which is believed to be the motivation behind the new feeding mechanisms, which included scavenging and using tools. Homo habilis was primarily vegetarian, although it included some meat.
They stayed in small social groups with multiple males and females who mainly paired monogamously. It is also possible they communicated some form of rudimentary language. Due to their ability to use stone tools, Homo habilis males were more potentially responsible for protecting the group against predation by larger carnivorous animals. Small groups banded together when searching for food to stay secure and efficient. Furthermore, because they lacked skills in making fire, Homo habilis needed to be patient until they discovered something burning because of natural causes such as a lightning strike to burn their food. They had to watch the campfire since they would eventually struggle to get another source if the fire blew. On the other hand, after they broke the camp, they tried to carry fire by carrying several lit branches, and if the branches went out, they would stay without them until they obtained another source.
Sexual dimorphism has played a significant argument concerning the taxonomic and biological meaning of Homo habilis. For most of the primates, females are sma...
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