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Public knowledges of Drugs and Crimes

Essay Instructions:

3 to 4 pages, 1" margins, double spaced, 12 point font, no limit to sources. Paper should analyze the way drugs and crime are covered in the media. Focus on framing, agenda setting, symbolism, emotive language, visual images, key politicians, and the issue's relationship (if any) to the president's approval rating. identify at least one public opinion poll an examine the change of opinion through time (compare support at least two points in time). Identify one interest group that advocates in this area and compare it's position of the issue; are they benefiting or not?

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Analyzing Drugs and Crime
Public knowledge of drugs and crimes is majorly generated from the media. The society is concerned about drugs and crimes. Often, the media talks about crimes and illegal drugs and contributes a significant role of exposing criminality. Public perception of deviants, criminals, victims and law enforcement agents is majorly understood by their effect on the mass media. The media exposes mainstream public knowledge about illegal drugs and crimes. Therefore, media influences the public perception of law enforcement agents, government role, political leaders, and the related agencies and organizations aim to fight against illegal drugs and crimes. Media coverage of violent crimes and illegal drugs create fear in the public because it raises concerns that citizens are not safe, which these are security threats to economic development and investment.
Media sensationalizes about crimes and illegal drugs, which create fear among the general public. Media channels such as television exposes crimes; thus causing tension than aggression. People normally feel threats from issues of organized crimes and drug trafficking barons because media often creates crime and trafficking of illegal drugs as more prevalent than what statistics indicates. This creates that need of taking more precautions by the government and the law enforcement agencies. Crimes shown on the media are significantly dangerous, random, and violent than crimes portrayed in the “real” world. The general public internalizes such images and forms a “mean” worldview, that is, a scary image of experience/reality.
Media campaigns have been encouraged to deliver a preventative constructive message to reach a huge number of people and individuals who may not access information through traditional approaches to adopt new positive attitudes and related behaviors. Antidrug Media campaigns are promoted everywhere to reduce or eliminate the illicit drugs use among the general public, especially young people since the beginning of drug abuse normally starts during young adulthood or adolescence. Media campaigns focus on illicit drug use such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine among others, and also are committed to preventing abuse of licit drugs such as tobacco or alcohol.
There is a symbiotic relationship between the police force and media personnel because the media and the police are engaged in a shared important relationship. The media expects the police to offer them with rapid, reliable sources of information about crimes, whereas the police have keen interests in restoring a positive public image following the information that the media portrays.
In the recent years, prevalent sensibilities have exposed citizens to increased intolerance of illicit drugs and crimes. Findings of public opinions indicate that citizens regard drugs and crimes as the country’s most challenging problem. People majorly follow media to be informed and, th...
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