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Summarize the Contributions of Emile Durheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx to the Field of Sociology

Essay Instructions:

Summarize the contributions of Emile Durheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx to the field of sociology. Be sure to note any theoretical differences they may have had with one another .
The contributions of Emile Durheim , Max Weber and Karl Marx; they were the pioneers in the field of sociology . 

Emile Durheim- (key)Behavior must be understood within larger social context
Developed a fundamental thesis to help explain all forms of society
-Anomie: loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior becomes ineffective
-Did not limit interest to one aspect 
Max Weber-(key) To comprehend behavior, one must learn subjective meaning people attach to actions
Verstehen: understanding; insight
Ideal type: construct for evaluating specific cases
mile Durkheim and Max Weber never met and probably were unaware of each other’s existence
Karl Marx- Society divided between two classes that clash in pursuit of interests
Worked with Friedrich Engels
The Communist Manifesto
Working class should overthrow existing class system
Emphasized group identification and associations that influence one’s place in society
Three major theoretical perspectives that steamed from Emile , Max and Karl
Functionalist perspective ; closely related to Emile; emphasizes the way in which the parts of society are structured to maintain its stability .
Conflict perspective; best understood in this definition by Karl Marx 
Interactionist perspective are mainly concerned with fundamental or everyday forms of interaction, including symbols and other types of non verbal communication 
Theoretical differences they may had have had ; can be each ones individual ideas based on each ones key works . Karl Marx was influenced by Emile's thinking about the impact of the division of labor in industrial societies but Weber's ideas were opposed to the extreme way of thinking and more of a free easy going. There may be more solid theoretical differences they may have had . 

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Sociology is the scientific study of human society and social interactions. The main aim of sociologists is to understand social situations and find repeating patterns in the society with the main focus being on the individual and not on the group. Sociologists attempt to comprehend the forces that mold individuals, shape their behavior and ultimately, determine social events (Macionis 78). There are various sociologists in the world today. However, the founding fathers of sociology are Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber. Their works were exquisite and notable in the sociology field.
Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who made a great impact on today's' world of society. He is said to be the founding father of the functionalist theory. His work focused on the evolution and functionality of traditional and modern societies, and his work was founded on social facts which are defined as the values, norms, and structures of society. In his theory of functionalism, he emphasizes societal equilibrium whereby the occurrence of something that distorts the normal running, order, and flow of society was to be countered by the adjustment of society to the change to achieve social stability (Emile 34). Society is meant to be safe but in the occurrence of crime, the society adjusts by the formulation of laws and correction facilities to combat crime. Durkheim's theory of division of labor states that society transforms from a simple traditional society characterized by collective consciousness, well regulated social behavior and social norms to a complex modern society with less punitive modes of regulation of social behavior. He also advances the theory of anomie, which is a condition of instability as a result of a breakdown of values and culture due to lack of a sense of purpose and ideals that resulted from a breakdown of social standards necessary to control social behavior.
Max Weber was a German sociologist who advanced the theory of verstehen which is a German term meaning to understand. His main study was human subjectivity, intentions, and attitudes that underlie people's behavior. Weber uses verstehen to understand the different types of so...
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