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The Philosophy 102 Class: In the German Film, Ich Klage An

Essay Instructions:

This Philosophy 102 class critical thinking. In the German film, Ich Klage An, the main issues seems to be the right to die for terminally ill individuals, but is this really true? and how are the viewers manipulated to come to conclusion that they might not otherwise hold? The essay instruction:
Introduction: Since this assay deals with the issue of a Fair Use ad hominem it would help the reader of the essay if the writer first makes a short outline of what is the ad hominem argument and why it is usually considered as a fallacy. The next step, also part of the introduction is to then outline what a Fair Use ad hominem is and explain that it is an acceptable use of the ad hominem and Fair Use, it is possible to make this a two paragraph introduction.
Body of the essay: Dependent upon which individual and incident that has been chosen it is best to start out the body of the essay with a short outline of what happened, but keep it short, otherwise one runs the problem of simply making this essay a narrative about the incident, and this essay is not about the incident itself. From here one must show why, exactly, the Fair Use could be applied in this instance: and remember this is the main reason for the essay, not a long, boring, rambling retelling of the actual event.

Conclusion: Repeat, shortly, the ad hominem argument, but show how the ad hominem does not apply to this specific incident. Repeat why this is an example of a Fair Use, and come to the conclusion of the essay. 

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Use of Ad Hominem in Ich Klage An
One of the most used phrases especially in politics is ad hominem. Literally taken, this term means “against the man”. The ad hominem argument is when a person attacks the interlocutor in a direct manner instead of debating on the argument itself. This is meant to discredit the source of the debate without having to address the main issue at hand. In most cases, using ad hominem ignores any kind of data and instead relies on fallacy to pass the message across. In most cases, people who employ ad hominem in their debates are sometimes found to be valid as they ignore the real issues at hand and instead attack the person’s character. However, this is usually an error in judgment and hence the reason why ad hominem is considered a fallacy.
While ad hominem is often treated as a fallacy, there are times when it can be used fairly. The fair use of ad hominem is in cases where the claims being made concerning an individual’s character or actions are pertinent to the conclusions being made. This is especially the case when the message that an individual is trying to make go against the person’s character. An example of the fair use of ad hominem is a scenario where a televangelist who preaches on morality is caught with a prostitute thus making it fair to attack their character since it goes against what they profess (Raley).
In the film titled Ich Klage An (I Accuse), the state tries to manipulate the masses in order to make them agree to giving them the power of administering euthanasia to a certain part of the society. According to the state, denying an individual the right to die would be going against their natural human rights and as such this is something that should have been allowed. By using numerous theories, the state succeeds in demonstrating to the public that the unproductive people such as the disabled children should be allowed to die by means of euthanasia.
Ideally, ad hominem is used in this movie in the instance where the state tries to convince the population that this certain part of the population should be eliminated as they are a burden to the society. While the whole argument about euthanasia being ideal in certain circumstances is a ploy that is designed to kill physically and mentally retarded children in cold blood, there is undoubtedly a fare use of the ad hominem concept in this scenario....
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