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Effect of Farming and Culture on the Evolution of Humans

Essay Instructions:

You're able to pick 1 of the 4 to write on. It has to be typed front & back of the paper, which means 2 papers total.

1. What are the consequences of the impact of culture, and particularly of Agriculture, on the evolution of human?( give 3 plus example

2. How to make a practice of ethnocentrism, racism xenophobia threaten our future? (Give 3+ examples)

3. What kinds of differences can the application of medical anthropology bring to human culture, either "other people culture" or are own? (Give three +example)

4. Over time, what have been some advantages & disadvantages of the evolution of civilization, cities, and state societies? What are the recommendation, based on your study of anthropology?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culture has had a direct influence on human evolution as people have adapted to the changing climate while also seeking to tame nature. Even though, agriculture developed in diverse places, it played an important role in the societies as the more advances societies changed from hunting and gathering to farming. The emergence of civilization is also linked to agriculture as people adapted to being farming practices with a new to improve productivity with pressure on the existing food resources. People were more likely to search for homegrown solutions to feed the growing population, and farming was viable. The culture of framing then took rook as this was practical for communities who were settled along rivers where nutrients were deposited in specific seasons after flooding.
One of the earliest examples of agricultural practices having an impact on the society was in Mesopotamia where sowing and the harvesting of seeds became important as the people in the region relied on fertile soils. The Egyptians also adopted farming along the River Nile and like Mesopotamia fertile soils provided an opportunity for the people to practice farming on a large scale. On the other hand, there was independent development of farming in the Far East, partially china. Climate change may have played a role as people adapted to better climatic conditions for farming, but the accumulation of food surplus and localized format allows the people to identify the most suitable crops.
Even though, Mesopotamia took farming early on, Sumerian was better placed to develop farming methods including the domestication of goats and sheep. Farming led to the community adopting permanent settlements given that there was now reliable food and nomadic was less common in the fertile areas. This provided an opportunity for the growth of cities and civilizations as the food could meet the demand. As the population of people increased, humans involved with permanents settlement now more common with specialization in trade and commerce then making it easier for the farmers to trade their surplus. However, the agricultural systems could not be replicated in areas with different climatic conditions. Currently, no culture occurs in isolation and even among the isolated people there is a likelihood of contact with the future more than ever before.
The farming revolution has had had long-lasting effects o the agriculture sector as humans have sought ways to improve farming productivity, while also identi...
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