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Warfare Studies: What is the Play of Politics in War? What is the Significance of this for Waging War?

Essay Instructions:

This essay is on Warfare Studies. It should be in 7 pages responding to the question posed below:
What is the play of politics in war? What is the significance of this for waging war?
Explain with reference to the writings of Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), Eliot Cohen (1956- ), and Emile Simpson (1986- ).
Writing Considerations:
1. Thesis 
You must have a clear thesis preferably in your first paragraph. The thesis must be clear, arguable and answers the questions.
2. Organization
Write your essay in a logical pattern.
3. Argument and support.
4. Conclusion
Your conclusion must restate the thesis and summarize the argument.
In addition, I have attached three files, one covers the essay question and requirements, the second gives guidelines on required format and the third is an example of the required format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Warfare is a complex phenomenon that at times becomes impossible to define. The whole society and civilization have been ruined because they have failed to understand the meaning of war. Warfare has been used for decades to attempt to resolve problems that do not need military solutions. There is always the element in any human society of people who are willing to use violence to impose their will on others. These ambitions can only be thwarted by violent means. For many years, politics have played major roles in wars with political leaders using military instruments to force their interests to the society. The incurable step that leads to self-destruction is when a society over-relies on violent solution compared to moderate elements that do not require using forces.  Since the fall of the Berlin wall, several theories have been coined explaining the term war. Experts have come up with terms like warfare, cyber war among others serving as important pieces of analyzing war. Many people who sought to understand war have referred to Clausewitz theory of warfare to explain the logic behind wars. For Clausewitz, war is the conflict that merely assists in the continuation of policy by other means. Political objective is the goal; war is the means of reaching it. War, therefore, can never be considered in isolation from their purposes. War is a political activity that could be understood only in political context, meaning that politics is the origin of war. Politics is the womb where war develops from and where its outline exists. This paper analyzes the role played by politics in war, especially in instigating military strategies.
The Role of Politics in War and the Significance of This for Waging War
During conflicts, political objectives at times can be ambiguous because the contenders do not clearly understand their intention and desires. The main source of ambiguity in war in meeting political objectives lies in the different ways in which political entities define their survival. For example, after the Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the US publicly announced four national policy objectives of immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait; restore of Kuwait's legitimate government; a providing safety and protection of American citizens abroad. The above objectives did not necessarily require military action. The Gulf war demonstrates how to achieve the applicability of the Clausewitz trinity, which stresses on the trinity interrelationship between the people, the military, and the government. The people provide the will to fight; the military provides the capability, and the government provides the policy and ultimate decision authority. In war, there are three predispositions that are from the people, that of the general and the army, and the government. The passion that leads to war needs to be existence in the. On the other hand, the range that people display courage and talents will depend on particular characteristics of general and his army but the political objects belong to the Government alone.
Even though the people component of trinity influences government decision to go to war and its ability to sustain war, however, the support of people can only be obtained if the people understand what they are supporting and whether the nation can accomplish its purposes. Simpson shared a similar idea war between nations or states currently target the ultimate audience that is the enemy population. It was assumed that the population is united behind their government and the armed forces. Citizens are only likely to reason after defeat. In modern wars, the audience is far more diverse, they are no longer homogenous, and the element in the audience is spread throughout the world. Under these circumstances, the military operation that intends to convey a message to one audience may result in something different to another audience. For example, in Afghanistan where the US military operations have been intended to convey to the people that their intention is to liberate the indigenous population from oppressive regimes, the destroying of homes and slaughtering of families appear to be a neo-imperialist attempt to impose the Western ideologies to the country.
Eliot Cohen is of the same view that the ultimate meaning of war is politics, so politicians end up having the biggest picture when it comes to war. The necessities of fighting have led men to specialized inventions to have an up hand in the war. As a result, the mode of fighting had undergone the great transformation but in whatever way war is conducted, its conception remains unaltered Similarly, Simpson, like Clausewitz, sees war as a continuation of politics but Simpson further divides wars into two categories, the total and limited war. For Clausewitz, war is divided into two, those who fight to establish military conditions for a political solution, and those who directly seek political outcomes.
Political and Military Objectives
The only means of military strategy is combat that involves physical attack of the enemy; however, war is not limited to military means. Military means are only one element of political achievements, which varies depending on the nature, and the particular war is an expression of politics. War is about power; therefore, the end goal of any party waging war is not just for social, economic, religious, but also for political goals. The military outcome involves contenders seeking to raise the enemy’s cost very high that will compel him to end the war based on the contender’s terms that become more attractive than continuing to fight. The goal of the military strategy is to deprive the enemy of the capability of resistance by making him military helpless. This involves military skill, leadership, technological capabilities, and even morale. 
Sometimes there can be an achievement of the necessary superiority through surprise although this is hard to achieve and dangerous to count on. If one’s opponent has any strategic depth, he may recover from his surprise before the opposing side can assume victory. Achieving the necessary superiority entails the willingness to pay a very high price for total military victory including the use of armed drones and new surveillance technique...
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