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Alliances During War Period: What Are Alliances?

Essay Instructions:

What are alliances? How do alliances influence the bargaining range? What factors explain why the alliance system in the pre-WWI and Interwar period led to war, while the Cold War alliance system did not? After the 9/11 attacks in the US, NATO invoked the principle that the US had been the target of an attack and that the alliance would collectively respond. In spite of this, NATO support for the American War on Terrorism has been mixed. Similar efforts against Al Qaeda and the group calling itself the Islamic State have faced similar problems of alliance cohesion. Name and describe two challenges associated with the use of alliances to promote peace in the international system when facing nonstate adversaries?

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Alliances during War Period
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March 3, 2017
Alliances in World War I agreements from difference states, countries, and/or nations with regards to matters that concerns military, economic, and/or political support between them. These alliances were established between these nations in order to make sure that in times of conflict and aggression amongst other countries (more specifically non-allied countries), nations can find a helping hand against their enemies CITATION Wil17 \l 1033 (Wilde, 2017). However, alliances also goes deeper than simply having each other’s backs when help is needed. In most cases, allies also have trade agreements, supply routes, and logistic backing to help each other even in times of peace and resolution CITATION Wil17 \l 1033 (Wilde, 2017). Since bargaining range refers to the political influences of each country and/or alliance over another, having an alliance also meant having more power and “voice” over the decisions of the world. During WWI countries with the bigger and stronger allies could most likely increase their own bargaining range and decrease others CITATION Encnd \l 1033 (Encyclopedia.com, n.d.). This goes differently for countries with lesser political power and those who formed ‘weaker’ alliances or no alliances at all.
The main reason why the alliance system in the pre-WWI and Interwar period led to war is that there are multiple powers dominating the political landscape of the world during those times. Because of this multiplicity in power and the agreement between allies that, ‘when one member goes into war, so should the others’, most countries (both major and minor) where forced to go to war because one of their members decided to go into conflict with the member of the other CITATION Mea15 \l 1033 (Mead, 2015). Aside from this, each of the allies felt that it is easier to fight another allied group, since there are other forces which they could either utilize, or join forces with them in order to defeat the other one. A...
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