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Addiction in Canada

Essay Instructions:

this is to be a research paper using Canadian sources. my introductory paragraph reads like this: The use of and addiction to narcotic substances is not new to humankind, and Canada is not immune. The cost of drug addictions in Canada is estimated at 40 billion dollars, and this does not take into account the emotional human suffering aspect in terms of families and individual lives ruined by its grasp. All can agree that addiction is harmful, yet there are two opposing views on how to curtail it. On the one hand there are those who see addiction as a disease, much like cancer or type 1 diabetes, and use harm reduction approaches which may acceptance of the problem, and can be disempowering to those addicted. On the other side are those who believe addicts are weak and lack self-control, and that it is a simple choice to be or not to be addicted. Neither approach to addiction is effective, because both fail to address the issues surrounding what causes addiction, and cause a polarizing effect when confronted with the problem of how to address addiction. The best approach to dealing with addiction is confronting the societal issues that accompany addiction in junction with both medical and psychological help.

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Addiction in Canada
The use of and addiction to narcotic substances are not new to humankind, and Canada is not immune. The cost of drug addictions in Canada is estimated at 40 billion dollars, and this does not take into account the emotional human suffering aspect regarding their families and individual lives ruined by its grasp. Everyone can agree that addiction is harmful, yet there are two opposing views on how to curtail it. On one side, there are those who see addiction as a disease, much like cancer or type 1 diabetes, and use harm reduction approaches, which may require acceptance of the problem, and can be disempowering to those addicted. On the other side are those who believe addicts are weak and lack self-control, and that it is a simple choice to be or not to be addicted. Neither approach to addiction is effective, because both fail to address the issues surrounding what causes addiction, and cause a polarizing effect when confronted with the problem of how to address addiction. The best approach to dealing with addiction is confronting the societal issues that accompany addiction in conjunction with both medical and psychological help.
Addiction or dependence is a concept that originated from the field of drug abuse, including alcohol, smoking, and hard drugs such as cocaine. Addiction is often perceived as the loss of personal control where an individual upholds behaviors that are detrimental to their self-esteem, as well as health (Firth 1). The substance or the psychological desire can cause the effects of addiction. Studies have shown that the process of addiction can apply to other aspects where there are repeated dysfunctional behaviors without involving ingestion of any addictive substances such as drugs (Chaim 3). People in Canada face addiction in the form of gambling, sex, exercise, video games, work, shopping, drugs, and other habits that include repetitive crime (Firth 3). There are no physical limits to many types of addictions compared to how it would be if there was a substance being consumed. Suggestively, some addictions have more psychological harm than bodily harm experienced in the case of drug abuse. The fact that an individual is experiencing a loss of control over a particular behavior provides the basis for how the problem works, and a basis for treatment. Some of the additions are closely linked with one leading to the emergence of another. For instance, sex addiction is likely to be because of drug abuse, which can be associated with gambling. Researchers have found that tolerance for one form of addiction is likely to lead to increase in other dependencies. It is important for individuals offering support to the addicts need to understand the factors that determine addictions.
A societal approach to solving addiction involves assessing the full extent of the problem. The survey of addiction should address whether there are other problems that correlate closely and may limit the subsequent treatment process. Such insights also judge how the client is motivated to be treated. A complete assessment should include factors such as the current capacity to function, relationships at home and work, legal situations, physical and mental well-being, past experience with care, the potential for harm to self, treatment goals, and the motivational level (Firth 6). Fundamentally, caregivers should be considerate not to use diagnostic tools developed for substance abuse in other forms of addiction. The development of assessment tools for specific addictions in Canada is in its early stages. Suggestively, the clinicians need to use interviewing approaches and intuition to gather information. The following instruments have been developed to help clinicians handle some of the common addictions in Canada (Firth 6).
Gambling addiction. The South Oaks Gambling Screen and the Canadian Problem Gambling Index can be employed in helping individuals facing challenges due to gambling. The tools have versions that can be employed in the case of adolescent clients.
Exercise addiction. The Exercise Addiction Inventory and the Exercise Dependence Scale
Shopping and buying addiction. The Faber and O’Guinn Scale and the Shopping Addiction Subscale.
Computer and Internet addiction. The Freimuth Screening Tool
Video games addiction. The See Griffiths and Meredith
Sexual addiction. Sexual Addiction Screening Test
Work addiction. Robison Work Addiction Risk Test
The Risk Behavior Diagnosis (RBD) scale can be used to assess eating disorders, culture-specific matters, and obsessive-compulsive disorders (Firth 6).
Individuals with an addiction may not perceive all dependencies they have as a problem or may fail to report them for various reasons. In some cases, the addiction may not be clear. For instance, people who gamble via the internet may allude that they are addicted to gambling without considering the internet. The Addictive Behaviors Questionnaire can be employed to investigate a range of problematic behaviors because it provides an early warning of the difficulties an individual might be facing. The caregiver may then probe to acquire more information with specific questions.
Treatment readiness is for any form addiction can be difficult to assess. Often, even when an addiction may be causing an individual serious harm he or she might conceal important information. One may not like to acknowledge that they are addicts or may consider the behavior disreputable to admit to. Additionally, other behaviors presented by the individual might eliminate the particular form of addiction from the spotlight (Firth 5). In other cases, individuals might be willing to cease one behavior but they show no motivation for the other. For instance, one might show the willingness to tackle gambling problems but show no interest to quit the sexual addiction. Dealing with addiction in Canada requires that clinicians proceed with treatment with any level of motivation or at any stage of readiness, the individual can manage. A thorough screening for treatment should provide realistic expectations for both the caregiver and the client as the treatment commences.
Recovery is the goal for people who seek treatment and not ...
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