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Describe the Use of Animals for Sports and Entertainment

Essay Instructions:

This research assignment gives you the opportunity to research a topic of personal interest. Once you have selected a topic, your task is to gather written sources, interviews and present the information in a paper. An “I” search paper is a type of research paper, but it differs from the conventional research paper in that it’s written in the first person (“I”) and includes the story of your search process along with your reflections upon the information you discover, and your reflections on the search itself.
Introduction: Your paper should contain an introduction that addresses the following questions:
1. Why is this topic important to you or of interest to you? How does it affect you and/or what do you hope to gain by exploring it?
2. What, specifically, do you know about the topic?
3. What don’t you know about the topic? What, specifically, do you want to find out about the topic?
The introduction of your paper must be written before you conduct any of your search for information. It should reflect all of your ideas, questions, opinions and assumptions prior to your investigation. The introduction should be written in the present tense.
Body: The body of your paper should include the story of your search (the hunt) and your reflections upon the information you discover. Each “step” of your search should contain the following information: 
1. Narrative details: where did you go? Who did you talk to? Describe people and places. The reader should be able to “see” you and follow along with you throughout your search. Such details are “story-like” details: you are telling the story of your search.
2. Information discovered: what facts and information did you learn? Tell what you discovered about your topic, directly quoting and summarizing information from your sources.
3. Reflective commentary: what were your reactions to the information you discovered? What were your impressions of your interview source or your written sources? What did their comments make you think about, or how did the sources make you feel? Did the sources confirm any of the information you stated in your introduction? Did you find the answers to your questions? Were you surprised or disappointed by anything you discovered? Were any of the assumptions or ideas which you expressed in the introduction different from the information and ideas presented in the sources? Have your ideas or the opinions you expressed in the paper’s introduction changed in any way? Why or why not?
Conclusion: Your paper should have a well-developed conclusion that presents some final reflections on your entire search. What you learned and didn’t learn. Carefully reread your introduction and reflect on the following: were all of your search questions answered? What did you learn through the search process? What have you learned about using the library or conducting an interview? Explain why you were pleased or displeased with what you discovered, and discuss the ideas that have been confirmed or changed because of your search.
Sources: a minimum of four written sources, and one interview.
Documentation: Follow the MLA format with parenthetical citations, a works cited list, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
People from around the planet are beginning to see the mishaps and misdeeds that we are inflicting upon our world. We are realizing the destruction that we have done to our home, our one planet Earth. We see the pain and agony of our mother Gaia and are now restless to help it recuperate, and one day improve and make the reality of heaven on earth. This, we cannot do as long as we are not connected and involved once again on the wonderful dynamics of nature and creation, which has led me to confront the aspect of ourselves thinking our being as greater that the other creations of the One true Creator. Why do we us humans, use animals for sport and entertainment? My opinion on the matter is that human beings should not desecrate and disrespect any life, whether plants or animals. We should ask and thank properly the world whenever we eat animal for food to using plants for products. Personally, I want to understand why such cultures of cruelty and lack of compassion for animals have arisen from our world.
Animals today are still a huge part of the sport and entertainment industries. Cultural traditions such as fox hunting and bull fighting, as well as horse and dog racing in the sporting world, not to mention animals performing tricks at circuses, are all examples of how we take advantage of animals simply for our own entertainment. (PETA)
My journey began in a rather understatement made by a sleepy rainy and gloomy afternoon. I just opened the newly delivered chicken Mcnuggets and happily greeted the smell with a smile and a prayer thanking the life of the chicken which is now my meal. Then I opened the television and accidentally tuned into an unpopular Asian channel which was airing an episode of a Cock Fight. I was intrigued that exact minute. It brought painful memories of my childhood from when we visited my grandmother in Spain and had the experience of watching a bull fight. People cheered for the death of unknowing animals that were forced to fight to the death, never truly exercising their right to live and explore a wonderful world. I then took another bite of Chicken McNugget that I was holding on my other hand. It was at that point that I realized that if I had been able to justify my eating of chicken by saying prayers and eating thankfully, then people who use them for sport and entertainment must also have their own personal history and reasons of developing their culture. It was then that I decided to go to the Philippines, a third world country popular for using cocks for fighting.
When I went to the Philippines, I was able to stay and learn with “Pepe”, a Filipino cock trainer and fighter who owns a poultry farm and breeds fighting cocks for a living in the farm lands of Bulacan, a semi urban farm setting close to Philippines capital city of Manila. I learned from Pepe that he knows that cockfighting has been popular in the Philippines since history. He said that modern cockfighting has been recorded ever since the chronicler of a Portugal explorer, Magellan, has visited the area in 1521. (Dela Cruz)
Pepe said that cocks possess congenital aggression toward all males of the same species. Cocks are given the best of care until near the age of two years. They are conditioned, much like professional athletes prior to events or shows. Wagers are often made on the outcome of the match (Dela Cruz). When wagers are involved, gambling is involved, and when gambling is involved, people, especially from the poor sector rely on it for a living and a way to earn extra money. Pepe took me to a Cock fighting tournament in the capital region area. It was a modern coliseum in the heart of Cubao, a metro area of Manila, which was able to seat 20,000 fans and participants. Inside the Araneta, big screens make it easy to watch the birds battle each other with steel spurs. When I take my seat, there are four men in the ring, two of them calmly squatting, each with a cigarette between his lips and a chicken between his legs. The other two are referees. Thousands of spectators, all men, are standing and shouting, making distinctive hand gestures to one another around the vast space, each gesture part of an intricate system for betting on the birds below. The noise is deafening.(Maxim)
Suddenly, the squatting smokers release the birds, and the roosters approach each other at a wary angle, hackles rising like rainbow-colored umbrellas from their necks. As they explode forward with the speed and aim of heat-seeking missiles, the clamor outside the ring abruptly halts. Feathers, legs, and a flash of steel fill the screens. The only sound is the vibration of pounded air from hard-flapping wings. In less than a minute, it is over. The white-feathered victor sends up a triumphant crow next to the still body of its dead opponent. Losers pay up their bets in a rain of folded peso notes as the loudspeaker blares the pop tune “Eye of the Tiger.” (Slate Magazine)
Cockfighting is a way for the Filipino people to enjoy raising cocks and getting money out of it. But my experience taught me that it was not a total disconnection to nature. The Filipino cock-fighters loved their trained cocks but were always ready t...
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