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Yanomami Warfare. Religion and Theology Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

essay should have an introduction that introduces the topic of the essay, a body that covers the main points, and a conclusion that sums up.

Compare the following theories about Yanomami warfare: biological (Chagnon), cultural (Peters), cultural (Kopenawa), materialist (Ferguson). In your answer, be sure to:

--Clearly state the claim that each author makes about the causes of Yanomami warfare. What does the author think causes Yanomami warfare? Does he make room for multiple causes in his argument? If so, which cause (or causes) is most important?

--Briefly discuss at least one point of evidence that the author presents to support his claim. What concrete evidence or data does the author present to support his claim?

--Clearly state which explanation for Yanomami warfare you think is the most persuasive and explain why.

double-spaced pages (12 point font, one inch margins)

****I will provide links for the 3 sources below please use 2 outside sources and make a reference page for the 2 outside sources****




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October 20, 2018
Yanomami Warfare
In the field of Anthropology, one of the most widely-studied group was that of the Yanomami tribe that lives in the forests of Southern Venezuela and Norther Brazil. Specifically, one of the main reasons for the popularity of this group is because it demonstrates how different forces could affect the way of living of each one. For example, in terms of warfare, several anthropologists have given their opinion on how the different factors lead to the inherent violence and fierceness of the said tribe. However, there are three main fields which aims to explain this characteristic, which are biological, materialist, and cultural camps.
One of earliest attempts to explain the violence of the Yanomami group was done by Napoleon Chagnon, using the biological approach. According to him, the main reason for why there exist a high inter-personal and inter-group violence is because the characteristics (or values) that these actions also lead to greater reproductive success. As discussed in the field of evolutionary anthropology, one of the main inclinations of man is that to reproduce and to survive. Consequently, fierceness is necessitated by the harsh conditions of the Venezuelan jungle, since it helps the men to find more reproductive partners and to protect their offspring.
Another major camp that seeks to explain the inherent violence within the Yanomami group wa...
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