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Materialists and Idealists. Materialist and Idealistic approach to Warfare

Essay Instructions:

Define “materialist” and “idealist.” What does each approach emphasize in understanding human society and culture? Contrast these two approaches with each other. To make the contrast, choose a materialist author who has written about warfare and contrast with one who has taken an idealist approach to warfare. In using these two authors’ work, make sure you clearly state what each one claims about the causes of warfare, why each is either materialist or idealist, and ways (if any) in which they cross over between the two approaches.

make a reference page

double-spaced pages (12 point font, one inch margins).

essay should have an introduction that introduces the topic of the essay, a body that covers the main points, and a conclusion that sums up

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Materialist and Idealistic approach to Warfare
An idealistic view is about cantering purpose upon knowledge and ideas in order to conclude upon a subject. In contrast to these things, Materialism would say that the basis for conclusion are physical and evident results. It bases its perspective upon hard earned objectives through self-interest.
An idealistic view of warfare might place purpose of power not to gain more power but to fundamentally liberate the world about its key pillar in order to sustain a just and peaceful society. Those characteristics might include elements that are pertaining to cultural and political will of the one who holds the power. Freedom and Rights when combined, is Liberty and an idealistic view would always pursue such things. Some elements of idealistism and practicality, according to the author Robert D. Kaplan is defined in his work:
“The purpose of power is not power itself; it is the fundamentally liberal purpose of sustaining the key characteristics of an orderly world. Those characteristics include basic political stability; the idea of liberty, pragmatically conceived; respect for property; economic freedom; and representative government, culturally understood. At this moment in time it is American power, and American power only, that can serve as an organizing principle for the worldwide expansion of a liberal civil society. “
In the work of Richard Ferguson, he states that Materialist expression in warfare is about making an effort to maintain or improve material conditions, as argued in varieties of ecological theory and conflict-oriented approaches to sociocultural evolution. Through the Materialistic Perspective, we can perceive war as a manifestation of clashing cultural approaches. Members of the society act out the values, and beliefs that their culture holds, and when faced with other cultures, sometimes gain misunderstandings. It elicits a battle of both ideology and makes use of physical resources and politic...
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