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Religion & Theology
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This I Believe Essay. The Birth of a Belief. Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

First of all, I am from China, So the Jesus and American Characteristics Brief are hard for me. Thank you.

The essay should have a clear thesis and your support should be focused and coherent. We need a structural framework. We need a paragraph and sentence structure to craft a coherent essay. Please, we do not research from the Internet. Thank you very much!

Notes: Teacher comment on last paper: Organization needs work. Need to outline a clear focus and support it with reasons, details, and analysis that clearly helps prove your thesis. Your essay is jumping from one point to another without clear direction or thorough analysis. You make some great points but it isn’t clear what this is supposed to be building toward. Need to move step by step to prove the thesis.

Often we try to express our thoughts, ideas and beliefs by stating what we think and believe. This is a way of expressing what we believe—what we see as good/bad, right/wrong, beauty/ugliness, etc. But in order to support our beliefs and our claims we need to be able to support our ideas with reasons and experiences. So for this essay you will express a belief and instead of just explaining why you believe it abstractly, you will tell a story to narrate your belief—to SHOW why you believe it.

For this assignment you will write your own “This I Believe Essay,” following the instructions given on the website. See below:

“We invite you to contribute to this project by writing and submitting your own statement of personal belief. We understand how challenging this is— it requires such intimacy that no one else can do it for you. To guide you through this process, we offer these suggestions:

Tell a story: Be specific. Take your belief out of the ether and ground it in the events of your life. Consider moments when belief was formed or tested or changed. Think of your own experience, work, and family, and tell of the things you know that no one else does. Your story need not be heart-warming or gut-wrenching—it can even be funny—but it should be real. Make sure your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your beliefs.

Be brief: Your statement should be approx.. 500 words. That's about 5 minutes when read aloud at your natural pace.

Name your belief: If you can't name it in a sentence or two, your essay might not be about belief. Also, rather than writing a list, consider focusing on one core belief, because three minutes is a very short time.

Be positive: Please avoid preaching or editorializing. Tell us what you do believe, not what you don't believe. Avoid speaking in the editorial "we." Make your essay about you; speak in the first person.

Be personal: Write in words and phrases that are comfortable for you to speak. We recommend you read your essay aloud to yourself several times, and each time edit it and simplify it until you find the words, tone, and story that truly echo your belief and the way you speak.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
This is I Believe
Beliefs and religion are important parts of human existence. Like many people, I’ve found myself ascribing to a certain belief that has become inseparable with my life. Put in a few words, I believe in a supreme being who, though cannot be touched or seen, is present in my surroundings and within me. He is the guiding force in what happens in my life and that of other people. Certain events in my life have helped reaffirm and give credence to my belief. While they may seem commonplace to some, I regard them as extraordinary with the conviction that they would have never happened without divine intervention.
The Birth of a Belief
I can’t exactly remember the date I became aware that there is a being more powerful than anyone else I knew. I, however, remember the moments that contributed to my creation of the idea. When I was barely five, I realized that my family had reserved a place for someone else other than the members. Although I never saw Him, I became aware of His existence every time and in every circumstance. One thing that had a special and real impact on me was the sincerity and confidence with which my parents sought His help whenever situations became more than favorable. My respect for the unseen being increased when the situation improved and the family gathered together in gratitude for his intervention. There is one memorable occasion.
When I was a bit older, my father lost his job. Things were perfectly normal at first courtesy of the savings he had put away for a rain...
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