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1 pages/≈275 words
Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
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Which Of The Four Cardinal Virtues Is Most Absent In Today's World

Essay Instructions:

Ask your parents or host home adults: which of the four Cardinal Virtures they think is most absent in today's world. In a 300 word typed reflection, discuss the reasons for their choices and compare their answers to your own view.

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Name Professor Course Date When I asked my parents to help me with my school projects they immediately settled and gathered around. However, on asking which of the four cardinal virtues they think have is the most absent today mother told me to remind her what they were about. Temperance, prudence, justice, and fortitude. Dad nodded with an agreement saying he remembers them from his religious study and confirms. Because of mom, we had to go through each to get the answer. Prudence inhibits the applied reason to distinguish, in every circumstance it is the urge to choose the right thing and working towards archiving it. The virtue that maintains man sober and sane in prayers and hence the right reason in action. Because of prudence, an individual obeys their conscience. Justice is the given moral virtue to the neighbour and...
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