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The Ten Plagues

Essay Instructions:

I post 3 pictures. they are the articles. And also in the file, there are two resources that I find from the library. Compare the articles and the resources to talk about the ten plagues.

Write a 2-page paper using APA form. Make sure your topic and thesis are clear and concise. Use outside source along with the article I gave you.

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The Ten Plagues
The ten plagues are a unique event in the Bible, which reveal the first time that God used magic to shape the people's destinies. The plagues were beyond the control of human beings, and hence, even the most powerful kings such as Pharaoh had no option but obeyed the signs of the lord (Version, King James 2017). The plagues played a substantial role in teaching the Israelites and the Egyptians about that powerful God that Christians worship. Also, the lessons of the ten plagues are still being manifested in different ways in today's world.
The plagues are an indication of how people in today's world try to hide their criminal activities, but the law still does a substantial role in revealing such activities. One of the articles indicates that the red waters of river Nile were made to bring to the light that whatever which is done in the darkness will always be brought to the light. This plague is a warning to the Christian community to refrain from sinful activities that are considered to be a secret. According to the biblical teachings, anything done in the darkness will always be brought into the light. The people of Egypt could no longer deny their crimes of drowning the Israelites infants in an attempt to reduce their population. The evidence was brought to the broad daylight when the river turned red (Hassner, Ron and Gideon 2016). Similarly, this is evident in the justice system of today's world whereby the courts attempt to reveal the truth behind all the criminal activities done in the darkness.
As well, the plague of the splitting of the red sea is a revelation of how God can tempt those that believe in Him to the extent where...
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