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A Man for All Seasons: The Story of St. Thomas More

Essay Instructions:

This is an essay that answers the questions after reading the movie A man for all seasons. Please read the questions on the information I gave and answer them. You don't need to write very literary questions, write answers and understanding of the questions. And discussion

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St Thomas More
Act one scene one opens with the common man who is shown to wear many costumes and props to represent his many roles in the kingdom. It is particularly moving as it was not his wish to have these many roles but he is doing so to earn a living. Despite that More still, treat him with respects and honour unlike many servant owners of the period. Act one scene five has a moving part of Cardinal Wolsey death. His death was claimed to be attributed by pneumonia whereas the play clearly shows the energetic man died because of king’s displeasure on how Wolsey handled the divorce. Wolsey died on his way to jail reason being he committed treason. Perhaps if he was not mistreated and held on acting in the right manner, he would not have met his death. Another moving scene is the act two scene nine where More is convicted of death and being an audience one knows he has not committed the charges he is being beheaded for and hence a moving part. It moving especially for the fact that More does not seem to try to justify himself even after knowing he is about to be killed for his silence.
More did the right thing to sacrifice his life for what he believed in, that is in the film More struggle with Henry was as a result of Henry becoming selfish and wanted to substitute higher law of Christ's church and God with his own law. His conscience testified more superiority to the church power than the authority held by the king. This can be interpreted as; More not taking the King's Oath was an act of obedience to his truth based on genuine liberty and not an act of civil disobedience.
More sacrifices his life on the ground of his conscience. He refuses to swear to a parliament's Act and instead sacrifice himself by taking a stand on what he believes is right and his God. He sees conscience as himself and thus even in pain he refuses to betray his self-conscience. This was a worthwhile stand as the human conscience does need conformation of the truth and is based on a long process of existing developed moral order which More inhibited.
Thomas Moore character does remain consistent all through the film whether in bad times or good times. He observes devotion to his servants, friends, and family. He does not accept bribes nor exhibits temptations. When the film starts to the end Thomas is forthright and honest. It can be said he has a dynamic character, as he is all through in the right based on law, society, morality, and honesty. Another character worth analyzing is the common ...
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