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Advocacy & Self Advocacy. Taking Action for the Human Rights of People with Disabilities.

Essay Instructions:

Please make sure your response is between 250-350 words. Please make sure to number your answers. Read Advocacy! Taking Action for the Human Rights of People with Disabilities.

1) Based on the reading on how to advocate for PWD provide examples of how you could advocate for PWD on a local, national and global level (provide an example for each). For example explaining to your friends that the word "retarded" is not appropriate to use would be a local level example.

2) Provide an example of where you saw PWD advocating for themselves in the video(s) this week?

3) What needs to change in our society to begin eliminating stigma around disability? How can advocacy help with this?

4) Give an example of when you have been an advocate for others.

5) People with disabilities are often portrayed as superhuman or courageous as they triumph over adversity in their daily life (disability porn). We may also feel inspired and motivated by seeing PWD accomplishing goals such as playing sports, working, living alone, etc. PWD are just like you and I and labeling PWD as inspirational may seem nice but only serves to make the person without the disability feel good about themselves. Part of advocacy is raising awareness about this among others. This week, pay attention to your environment and provide an example of where you have seen disability porn or an example of a PWD being seen as inspirational for doing an activity others thought they couldn't. Write about what you saw and then identify how you could be an advocate and use this example to educate others on how this is actually negative towards PWD.

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Advocacy & Self Advocacy
Question One
Advocating for a particular change can be done at local, national and international level. At the local level, one can educate people in their community the best ways to treat PWD without making them feel discriminated such as avoiding showing pity or being patronizing and avoiding using tags that appear offensive such as a retard. At the national level, one can lobby for rights to allow PWD vote just like any other person and public policies that put into consideration needs of PWD such as the construction of national infrastructure in a manner that does not hinder their activities while away from home. At the international level, one can advocate for the formulation of new international human right laws that do not fuel discrimination.
Question Two
An individual being able to express their thoughts is crucial both for exploring and asserting themselves.
Question Three
Various methods can be used to reduce stigma against people with disability in society. For instance, increasing employment opportunities for people with disability could play a crucial role in reducing stigma. Also, increasing the p...
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