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Spirituality and Cinema: Deep Reflections, Deep Questions

Essay Instructions:

Spirituality and Cinema: Deep Reflections, Deep Questions!

Movie: A Man for All Seasons: The Story of St. Thomas More

You MUST watch the entire movie before attempting this essay.

The project should be no less than 600 words, most will be above 1,000 words.

Through the lens of Apologetics please discuss:

1. Discuss in detail the three parts of the movie which you found particularly moving and meaningful. Explain why in detail.

2. Do you think More did the right thing to sacrifice his life for a principle that he believed in? Explain.

3. What are the principles for which Sir Thomas More gave his life? Were they worth his life? Explain.

4. Select three main characters in the movie and write a character analysis for each.

5. Identify 5 virtuous qualities/characteristics of St. Thomas More. Cite an example from the movie to illustrate each one. Explain in detail.

6. Discuss St. Thomas More’s defense of the teachings of the Catholic Church. Why did he go to such lengths to defend the Church teachings?

7. What does the modern society have to learn from St. Thomas More?

8. Discuss your own thoughts as they pertain to the movie. On a personal level, in first person, answer the question in depth, “What are the principles for which I would give your life?”

Do NOT write a summary of the movie!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Spirituality and Cinema: Deep Reflections, Deep Questions Discuss in detail the three parts of the movie which you found particularly moving and meaningful. Explain why in detail. The first part is when Thomas More is executed. This part shows that he believes in what he is dying for. He does not compromise his principles by doing what the king wanted. Secondly, when Thomas More explains to his wife the reasons behind the execution, this shows that there was no lost love between them as his wife ended up showing him how much she loved him. The other part is when Cromwell meets Richard Rich and the Loyal Subject, a local pub, to conspire against More. The moving part was that Rich was feeling guilty and was reluctant. However, in the end, he agrees and tells Cornwell about the bribe More received and gave to him. As a result, Rich is offered a job. Do you think More did the right thing to sacrifice his life for a principle that he believed in? Explain. Yes. This is because principles are what guides us in our lives. If More had changed his views on the king for the sole purpose of saving his life, all he had stood for during his life would have been in vain. To add on, More was a principled person who was not intimidated by threats. This makes him a role model to Christians and people who believe in their principles. Also, knowing what you stand forgives someone a purpose in life. For More, he died for the right course. What are the principles for which Sir Thomas More gave his life? Were they worth his life? Explain. More could not be intimidated by the king and his peers. He was morally upright and this was evident when he opposed the separation of the King from the Catholic Church. As a result, he refused to recognize King Henry as the supreme head of the Church of England. In addition to that, More did not support his king when he wanted to get a divorce from Queen Catherine of Aragon. This is because he had been granted special permission by the pope to marry his brother’s widow, Catherine. The endpoint was that More was convicted of treason and executed for refusing to take the oath of supremacy. Select three main characters in the movie and write a character analysis for each. Thomas More is the protagonist in the movie. More refuses to heed to the King’s demands and opts to die. He believes that a person is not supposed to betray his conscience so as to do what the others want of him. He is a wise person as he does not speak publicly about the king’s divorce. Also, More does not make any gestur...
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