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Religion & Theology
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What is a Religion? Religion & Theology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Where does the conflict concerning defining religion seem most apparent? What is a religion? What are the key elements of a religion? Is atheism a religion in your view?

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Religion as a Critical Component of Culture Student’s Name:
Where does conflict concerning defining religions seem most apparent? What is religion? What are the key elements of religion? Is atheism a religion in your view?
Religion is a critical component of culture. A great sense of diversity manifests it just like any other aspect of culture. Its heterogeneity and variety of viewpoints regarding religious beliefs and practices make religion an elusive concept of humanity.
Owing to inherent diversity in religion, defining the concept of religion proves a challenging task for many. Defining religion is problematic in two fundamental aspects. First, it can be too narrow, leading to the exclusion of various belief systems, which other people argue that such beliefs are part of religion. For instance, if one defines a region as a belief in God/god, how will this definition account for various belief systems and the availability of many gods or polytheistic systems? Many people are already using the word ‘religion’ without even any connection to God or god (Dworkin, pp. 5). Second, the definition can be broad, which makes it vague, unclear, and ambiguous. The lack of clarity makes it difficult to paint a distinct picture of religion. Thus, extensive definition leads to the theoretical conceptualization of religion where it cannot be distinctively differentiated, contrasted, and compared to other aspects of culture. It makes religion inseparable from the diverse cultural aspect, and any person can refer to anything, practice, or belief in a community as religious.
What is religion? Religion is an embodiment of beliefs, cultural systems, .community viewpoints global perspectives that to unravel varied aspects of humanity, including its existence and universe phenomenon. The Dictionary.com defines a region as comprising a set of beliefs regarding t...
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