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Dante's Inferno. Analitical Discussion of the Circle of Gluttony and the Pit of Flatterers.

Essay Instructions:

Dante uses both contrapasso and the physical landscape of the Inferno to convey the nature and gravity of the sins portrayed in the Inferno. For Dante, the Inferno is “not only a geographical area but a state of mind.”

Please demonstrate this argument by analyzing his portrayals of Gluttony in Circle III and the Flatterers in Circle VIII. Be careful to explain the significance of 1) the relative location of each circle; 2) its architecture and/or landscape and 3) its contrapasso.

Your response should be a clear, well-organized response of 750 words .

Make sure to:

Provide an introduction with the name/author/date of the text;

Articulate a clear thesis statement that specifically responds to the question;

Include at least 3 quotations properly introduced, integrated, and analyzed;

Offer a conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analitical Discussion of the Circle of Gluttony and the Pit of Flatterers
Dante's Inferno is an account of a journey to the circles of hell. Dante Alighieri wrote the poem in 1320, referring to an encounter with one of his great instructors. In the narrative, Dante explores the 9 circles of hell with Virgil, the ghost that guides and protects Dante from the dangers of the circles. All through the journey, Dante and Virgil see sinners suffering from the consequences of their actions. As they go lower, the punishments get more violent and painful according to the gravity of the sins. As Virgil reminds Dante, "that the more A creature is perfect, the more it perceives the good— And likewise, pain" (Alighieri, Cantos IV, 97-99). For this paper, let us discuss the third circle, Gluttony, and the Flatterers in the eighth circle. The structural elements of the circles and the punishments are the reflections of the sins committed by the spirits. The discussion will elucidate the relationship between the structures and punishments, as they support the order of the circles.
The order of the circles is the level of punishments sinners get when they reach their designated circles. It is also according to the gravity of the sin whether they are light or grave. More than the level of gravity, the order of sins suggests the development of one's ill behaviors. If we look at the circles as human behaviors, it will look like the development of one behavior after the other. Gluttony is at the third level of hell, in between Lust and Greed. If we apply the hypothesis, after lusting or craving for something that has satisfied us, we crave for it more. We feel gluttony for wanting what has satisfied us. The craving does not end after satisfying ourselves. Our greed will make us hungrier for the satisfaction we have experienced. The circles represent our behaviors that get worse after filling our desires. In the eighth circle, the development encompasses physical behaviors. People who have become wise when it comes to taking advantage of people to occupy the eighth circle of hell.
The third circle of hell is structured to torment the spirits in the way they have sinned. The level of hel...
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