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Religion & Theology
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Religion and the Nature of God

Essay Instructions:

Describe the nature of God in Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism religious traditions studied this semester. How do they show up in the myths and practices of each religion?

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Nature of God
The nature of God tends to differ significantly depending on the religion. People from various religious beliefs, either Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity, have their perspectives about the supreme being. Their views can be understood based on the practices and myths of the various religious beliefs.
According to Hinduism religious beliefs, the nature of God is regarded as the ultimate reality. They believe in Brahman, who is a supernatural being that exists in the form of a spirit. The nature of God for Hindus is that the deity is in the form of a male, female, or an animal. Brahman also has three main functions; the source of life, a God who ensures harmony, and is also responsible for creating a new life as the life of other beings, ends (Goshen-Gottstein 4). Hindus also believe that Brahman resides in the soul or atman and exists in all living things.
On the other hand, the nature of...
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