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How do we find meaning in life? Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Using Augustine answer: How do we find meaning in life?

Don’t use your own opponion use the material opinion that I give to u

And also use the material citation at least 3 and only use citation in this material

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How do we find meaning in life?
People can find meaning in life when they look within themselves and live according to God’s will. Augustine Hippo believes that in every person there is capacity for God, which allows people to reflect the image of the Trinity (Farina 66). However, for this to be possible it is important to be enlightened and aware about themselves and get closer to God. Augustine’s focus on the about the Trinity, and explores whether there are three ‘Gods’ highlighting the importance of the belief to Christians. The Trinity is God’s attribute of love and living a life of virtue, allows people to find meaning in life. The purpose of humans is to glorify God and fulfill his will, and people are free to make the right choices.
There is a need to be more inward looking in a way that allows people to question their place in the society and relationship with God. The case for this is that there is focus on seeking God and understanding his will “Our quest for self-understanding is-whatever else we might think it- ultimately a quest for God” (Farina 66). Our destiny is based on the choices we make, since people choose to change their inner self and even get close to God, if they have a better understanding of themselves. The divine nature of God through his actions, but people have to make an effort to seek God since knowing awareness about God provides meaning compared those which have no purpose in life and lack faith.
There is need to be sincere to God to have a relationship with him, and divine interventions partly depend on faith, choices and actions. For instance, Farina (65-66) pointed out “To possess spiritual things, it is necessary to desire to do what is good or in other words to do God’s will” (63-64). This is relevant to find meaning in life as people then focus more on the soul and not the things of the worlds, that may lead them astray and place them further apart from God. While blind faith can be dangerous hope and faith are essential to find a true purpose as people then have belief that challenges are not permanent road blocks to living a spiritual, purposeful and more fulfilling life.
Augustine was one of the earliest Christian theologians to emphasize the im...
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