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2 pages/≈550 words
Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
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Trinity Article (Religion & Theology Essay)

Essay Instructions:

All students will complete one 500-750 word (2-3 page) article describing the significance of

the doctrine of the Trinity to an audience of your choosing. In other words, you should seek to

answer the question: Why is the doctrine of the Trinity important? Imagine you are writing for

a Christian website (i.e., Desiring God), a church newsletter, a Christian periodical (i.e.,

Christianity Today), or theology blog. You must interact with the assigned course readings on

the doctrine of the Trinity, especially Thomas McCall’s Forsaken. If you do not engage course

readings on the Trinity, the highest grade you can achieve on this assignment is a C.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Trinity Article
The doctrine of the Trinity suggests that there is one God who exists in three forms. Christians believe that God exists in a divine state as the father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The trinity doctrine is essential to Christians since it describes the Christian’s belief in God’s nature. The idea of Trinity answers questions such as who God is and how God works. Christians believe God exists in an unseen form and has an incomprehensive character. According to Thomas McCall in his book titled “Forsaken,” the author disputes and claims that the Trinity was broken when Jesus was crucified on the cross. McCall establishes a bond between the father and the Son and suggests that claiming that the Trinity was broken is equivalent to saying that God does not exist (McCall 44).
According to the author, God’s righteous nature brought rage to him when man sinned; however, Jesus came to show grace by taking the punishment that was meant to fall on man. According to McCall’s theological perspectives on Trinity’s doctrine, the author suggests God’s existence as the Son helped bridge the gap between God and man. In an account of God’s wrath in the Old Testament, the author describes God’s changing nature after Jesus died for the sins of Man. God’s love became more pronounced than his wrath on man through Jesus (McCall 55). Through the existence of the Trinity, God is slow to anger, gracious, and merciful. Also, by sending his Son to die for man’s sins, God illustrates his loving nature. As much as Jesus Christ b...
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