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Townes, Emilie and Gender Equality and Justice in Contemporary Theology

Essay Instructions:

The essay will make a claim—an argument—about a Christian doctrine within the scope of the class based on a single primary text chosen from the work of one of the theologians provided below. The primary text should be written solely by your author and between 30 and 50 pages long. All students will write the paper using some formulation of the following thesis:

In other words: What does your theologian have to offer to our understanding of a particular doctrine? Your goal is to convince me that they have something important to contribute and explain what exactly that contribution is.

Students will focus on one of the theologians specified in the syllabus. These theologians have been chosen because they come from diverse points of view and discuss subjects often overlooked within mainstream evangelicalism today. Choose your theologian and then locate a primary text (academic article / book chapter / book authored by your theologian) through which to engage your theologian’s contribution to Christian doctrine today. (Blogs and internet articles are not permitted.)

Be sure your essay properly introduces the primary source of your choosing. Give the date of the writing and its publication as well as a short summary of the content of the work before highlighting and engaging with key theological idea(s) from the text. Also, frame your interpretation of the piece within the theologian’s context. Keep in mind that you are expected to persuade the reader of the truth of your thesis.

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Townes, Emilie and Gender Equality and Justice in Contemporary Theology
Gender equality or gender justice means establishing just relations where men and women are considered on equal terms and are allowed equal opportunities to pursue their rights and fundamental freedoms. In her Townes Emilie, " Embracing the spirit," presents theological arguments supporting gender equality1. The Christian faith compels the idea that all people are equal before God and are loved the same way by God. God made human males and females, and all are in their uniqueness matter the same way in the eyes of God.[Townes, Emilie, ed. Embracing the spirit: Womanist perspectives on hope, salvation, and transformation. Vol. 13. Orbis Books, 2015. 22]
According to Thatcher, human differences in terms of gender are essentials for life to flourish. The diversity in human nature is meant to make life fair, joyous, and full of explorations. On the contrary, these gender differences are not celebrated as good but instead have been the means through which oppression and discrimination occur in society. The pressure, fear, and inequalities associated with gender distort God's plan for humanity as it is in the creation. In the modern-day manifestations of gender-related issues ranging from patriarchal cultures, women, and poverty and discrimination against women is evidence of gender injustices against God's intentions towards gender. The theological basis in gender issues is to develop a framework through which gender differences, being a male or female, can be celebrated as a virtual gift from God and form a basis or desisting all forms of gender-related oppression and inequalities. According to Thatcher, differences should provide a basis for vibrant life and act as a source of humility that unites humankind to overcome the differences and establish joyful co-existence.[Townes, Emilie, ed. Embracing the spirit.24.]
According to Emilie, the theological framework on gender requires that the meaning of being male or female be established and how it can change the current perspective on gender brings inequality2. In light of the theological framework's revelation, a recommendation on how gender oppressive practices can be stopped and how unity can be instilled.
Black communities' oppression and inequalities are more prevalent than white communities. The adversities of black communities concerning gender are aggravated. Apart from being on the disadvantaged side of the gender, they are also of the disadvantaged race and more likely a minority socio-economic class. Society's perspective on Gender issues affects other socio-economic aspects of gender. Therefore, to address gender from a theological perspective, it is necessary to look into other socio-economic factors related to gender to see how gender concerns can be attended to.
Gender and Poverty
It is a global concern the extent to which gender has been a critical determinant of poverty. Though the cause of poverty seems complex, gender has been established to be one of the significant factors. Women make one half of the world's population. The majority of women live in dare poverty. In developing and developing countries, i.e., Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, 80% of women live in miserable conditions characterized by nominal wages and bleak employment environments. The likelihood of women egress workers not receiving their wages is ten times more than that of men. Leadership positions across the world are male-dominated. Women are also subject to sexual violence, and at any level of then life, women are poorer than men. The female gender (women and girls) is often discriminated against and exploited at any given level.[Townes, Emilie, ed. Embracing the spirit. 27.]
The theological approach to gender-related poverty demolishes every grounding of gender discrimination and inequalities. It provides means for transformation by addressing this reality of human experience by assessing the current situation and pinpoints what needs to change to restore sanity in gender matters.3
The oppressiveness of the society towards women range from gender-related acts of violence, Mutilations of the female bodies, disaster and tragedy vulnerabilities, lack of independence and freedom, economic deprivation, and silence of women in political matters are all an indication of oppressiveness women experience in the society. In the face of these realities, the church should search for the necessary theological wisdom surrounding gender and aid in emancipation and redefine what is meant by being male and female, and focusing on ways to ensure co-existence in the society.
Gender and Faith
The theology of gender is essential in addressing global gender issues due to the pivotal role the church and theologists play in the community's day-to-day life (Elizabeth, P. 43). Theological studies and church teachings should be inclined to shape how gender is perceived, experienced, and how the concepts of gender are integrated into society's everyday life. The Bible records so clearly that God created humanity in His image, male and female alike. This affirms that God views man and a woman on equal terms. This verse is a clear guideline of how every community guided by Christian beliefs and theology should understand the respect for a peaceful co-existence of men and women and a justrelat...
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