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Mass Media and Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following essay question. Your answer should be at least 1 ½ pages typed, double-spaced and no more than 2 pages typed, double-spaced.

Throughout the semester, we have considered the relationship between media studies and the Christian faith. Please choose one mass media concept and one theory that we have learned about this semester, and explain their relevance to the Christian faith. What aspects of the concept/theory resonate or seem in harmony with the Christian faith? (10 pts.) In what ways does the concept/theory challenge or seem in tension with or in opposition to the Christian faith? (10 pts.) What particulars of this concept/theory do you think are most relevant for individual Christ followers? (10 pts.) What about this concept/theory do you think is most relevant for the local church and/or the global church? (10 pts.) In addressing these questions, be sure to explain why, be as specific as possible in your answer (i.e., make sure that you are referring to a specific concept/theory that you have learned this semester) and give examples from the text, journal articles (on Schoology or in class discussions/presentations) and class notes to support your ideas (10 pts.).

Tip/Example : Because of my research interests, I would choose to answer this essay question by explaining the concept "fear of isolation" and the theory "sprial of silence." In this case, the concept relates to the theory. You are not required to choose a concept and a theory that are related, but you may do so if you choose.

Since the file is too big to upload, you can download it here. https://dropmefiles(dot)com/OrbJG

Plz try to find the concept and theory from the "advertisement" chapter, unless you think you can write perfect about something else. Thank you so much!

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Mass Media and Christianity
Mass media studies and the Christian faith are related in certain aspects in regards to the media concept and theories that drive the two disciplines. One of the concepts and theories of the media that is applicable in the Christian Faith is fear of isolation and the spiral theory. Fear of isolation is also called monophobia, auto phobia, eremophobia, or isophobia and refers to the dread of being alone or fear of being egotistical. Those who suffer it do not need to be physically alone but to believe that they are unloved or ignored. The spiral of silence is a mass communication theory proposed by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, a German political scientist. The spiral of silence theory states that a society or social group might exclude or exclude members due to the opinions of members (Campbell, Christopher & Bettina, np). This indicates that members are fearful of isolation. The fear of isolation hence leads to silence instead of voicing opinions.
The concept of fear of isolation and the spiral theory is seen to resonate with the Christian belief that people will be judged by God and the sinful will be sent to eternal fire while those who live as per God's ten commandments will go to heaven and have everlasting life.
The fear of isolation and the spiral theory, on the other hand, seem to be in opposition with the Christian faith in that Christians believe that when they go to heaven or hell, they will not be alone as they will eat honey and milk whi...
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