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The Importance of Understanding Freedom and its Possibilities

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on what you have learned from reading of Father Haight’s treatment of “Sin and Grace.” How does Haight understand human existence as distinct “from other creatures” (Haight, 81)? What stood out to you as regards “the individual and the social dimensions of freedom” (Haight, 81), as well as “the sinful condition of human existence” (Haight, 85)?

After you have reflected on Father Haight’s text, write an essay of 450-500 words of so, on "the importance of understanding freedom and its possibilities"?


1/The essay's thesis is easily identifiable and plausible, its aim is clear, insightful, novel, and sophisticated.

2/The essay has a clear, evident and understandable structure that is appropriate for the thesis. Excellent transitions from one point to the next, where each paragraph is supported by solid topic sentence.

3/Primary source material is often coupled with an appropriate example or insight, and is used to buttress the major points of the essay. Examples support the topic sentence and fit the purpose of the paragraph; there is also an excellent integration between quoted material and the author’s own voice.

4/The author’s analysis is fresh, exciting, and may even pose a new way of thinking about the topic; the student clearly relates evidence to topic sentences.

Please use only one source that provided.


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The Importance of Understanding freedom and its Possibilities
Every person has the desire to express their unique personality and pursue their joy without the restriction of external forces. Haight, in his book, states that “
“That human beings are not totally autonomous subjects can be shown from many points of view. Human freedom begins at birth when human beings are in a stae of total dependence on their environment, and freedom matures over a long period of time in which individuals gain their personal identity within the second womb of society.”(p 82)
Freedom is important because its pursuit is will lead to enhanced action and motivation to devote to one’s creativity and originality. It allows an individual to know thyself and introspect about one’s desires and aspirations. Freedom motivates an individual to have a higher quality of life. Human Beings are unique in their own condition because they have the ability to think and imagine endless thoughts. Haight reiterates in his article that Human existence may be characterized as freedom. He states that humans are the only creatures that knows how to be conscious of its own consciousness and can choose to go otherwise from its instinct and decide on a course of action.
Haight immediately supports the quote above by saying that
“ Society provides each person’s language, which largely mediates the very power to think; culture provides a set of values that largely determine the concrete things that pople hold dear. Psychologically, one’s objective image of the self is derived from interaction from other selves.” (p 82)
Everyone should pursue their own inner feeling of freedom. The complexity of freedom is another lingering topic in this issue. Every generation has its own definition of freedom, for each age has their own struggle and story. Freedom then, can only be appreciated when people know how to look at the past and know what kinds of acts are now accepted instead of being ostracized. Understanding freedom needs a cer...
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