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Philosophy: Ethics & Society Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:


The lengths for each answer will d But the total number of words should not exceed 1300 (including footnotes).

Footnotes should be used for citations only.

All you need to answer these questions are the texts and your note I discourage you from using any outside sources. But if you do, make sure to cite them.

Though you are free to discuss answers to these questions with your classmates, the written material must be your own and stated in your own words. Any suspected plagiarism will be submitted to the Academic Integrity Office.

Number and letter your answers.

Failure to follow all of these directions will result in a penalty.

How to Cite:

When citing an author, just quote the text, footnote it, and reference the author and the title of the piece you’re quoting from. For example:

1 Buchanan, Allen “Theories of Secession”, p.35

If the next citation uses the same source and but a different page, just write ‘ibid.’ followed by the new page number. So, for example, suppose in footnote 2, you again want to cite something Buchanan said in “Theories of Secession” – but this time, from p. 40. Because in footnote 1 you already cited the author and paper, you can just write:

2 ibid., p.40

If after this you cite a different author, do so in full (as in the example of footnote 1). If after that you once again cite Buchanan, you do so in full.

Test Questions:

Answer both questions.

Question 1:

Alan Buchanan worries that enshrining Primary Rights Theories in law would result in bad consequences.

A) Explain Buchanan’s worry. David Copp argues that the question of whether we have a moral right to secession is "morally prior" to the question of whether international law ought to recognize such a right.

B) Describe this response to the Buchanan’s worry.

C) Do you find this response convincing? Why or why not?

Question 2:

Critics of Primary Rights Theories of secession argue that powerful political subunits might use a threat to secede to extract concessions from the parent-state. It seems, then, that modeling international law on a Primary Rights Theory of secession would allow powerful political subunits to engage in coercion.

A) Explain Christopher Wellman's response to this criticism. In doing so, be sure to describe what in general counts as a wrongfully coercive threat on Wellman’s view.

B) Do you agree with Wellman’s response to the argument that Primary Rights Theory give subunits too much coercive power? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code/Title
Philosophy: Ethics and Society
Question 1: Enshrining Primary Rights Theories in Law
Alan Buchanan has considerable concerns that enshrining primary rights theories in law would result in adverse consequences. Primary Right Theories are the predispositions whose assertion is that "certain groups can have a (general) right to secede in the absence of any injustice."Such people's demands extend beyond the injustice part to include the nationalist principle and ascriptive characteristics as secession bases. Buchanan argues that such theories are very poor in facilitating reforms considering that they create perverse incentives. Primary Right Theories have abstract concepts as to why they should form a new state or nation and thus, in a major position to encourage behavior that undermines morality or, in this case, moral and sound principles of internal law. Also, they can be an obstacle to pursuing morally progressive strategies for conflict resolution. Finally, individual liberty or the government's greater efficiency are elements at stake.[Buchanan, Allen “Theories of Secession”, p.35]
On the other hand, David Copp argues that the question of whether we have a moral right to secession is "morally prior" to the question of whether international law ought to recognize such a right. In essence, this notion is opposite to Buchanan's arguments. First and foremost, Buchanan asserts that this predisposition is raised in an institutional vacuum, and if anyone happened to provide an answer, there would be little institutional response to it. Buchanan asserts that individuals such as David Copp have the overall assumption that assuming their position will form the basis upon reforming international institutions. Even though this is possible, it is highly predicated "upon whether the attractive features of non-institutional theories remain attractive when attempts are made to institutionalize them." As mentioned earlier, when the moral right to secede supersedes institutional morality and, more specifically, the international legal institutions and abiding principles, there are bound to be perverse incentives. Copp's position is only feasible if it "coheres with and builds upon the most morally defensible elements of existing law." Unfortunately, Copp's proposition is a non-institutional moral theory that fails to meet this criterion horrendously.[Ibid., p. 32] [Ibid., p. 32]
Alan Buchanan's perspective has sufficient arguments supporting his ideal, implying that his response is convincing. His arguments are objective and rely upon facts rather than depending on people's social-psychological state, which could at times be marred by significant bias. Decisions arrived at through the latter means lack validity and reliability. That is why Buchanan claims that such individuals are likely to place the new state under even more crisis than anticipated. Unreliable information of this nature cannot be relied upon in making the sound, logical and formidable steps forward. To this end, there is an unshakeable conviction that Buchanan's thinking is based upon reliable information that considers what is at stake and uses the data to make worthwhile conclusions.[Noll, Heinz-Herbert “Subjective Social Indicators,” p. 3]
Question 2: Critics of Primary Rights Theories of Secession According to Christopher Wellman
Wellman begins by determining the underlying differences in permissible and impermissible coercion. Explicit examples of the former a...
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