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A Critical Response to "Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul" by Simon Gathercole

Essay Instructions:


Briefly summarize the author’s thesis, explaining key arguments used to support the thesis.

Evaluate the thesis and the means of presentation.

Finally, discuss a personal and ministerial application of this material. Please note: Not all the books listed reflect the perspective of the professor.


The book that the entire essay is in response to is "Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul" by Simon Gathercole - it's entirely about that. You can use other sources but there isn't a required amount. Here's all the info given within the syllabus -

"In addition to the required reading, students will choose to read one of the recommended books (suggested or supplemental list) listed above. After reading the book, write a 7-10 page critical response paper. This paper is not simply a book review, but a critical interaction with the material. Briefly summarize the author’s thesis, explaining key arguments used to support the thesis. Then evaluate the thesis and the means of presentation. Finally, discuss personal and ministerial application of this material. Please note: Not all of the books listed reflect the perspective of the professor.

Please note: The required textbooks are NOT acceptable options to fulfill this assignment. This assignment requires the student to choose an additional book.

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A Critical Response to Simon Gathercole’s “Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul”

Simon Gathercole’s “Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul” discusses one of the most significant topics in theology or Christianity. In particular, Christians comply with the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are well-recorded in the bible. Based on the biblical teachings, Jesus Christ was the son of God who descended on earth so that He can be an example of what people should do to remain close to God. Despite Jesus Christ having supernatural powers, He had a human body, meaning that He felt like a normal person and would suffer in the same way that people do. For example, when Jesus was on earth, He performed numerous miracles, preached to humans, healed individuals, and was baptized. All the things He did on earth were to show people how they should do so that they can follow His footsteps. For example, Jesus Christ was baptized by the John the Baptist to show individuals about the importance of baptism in creating a good relationship with God. Gathercole’s primary thesis is that Jesus died on the cross as a substitute for humans’ sins.

The apostle’s theology emphasizes the death of Jesus Christ. Gathercole argues that Jesus Christ died as a substitute for people’s sins. The author uses the bible to support his arguments, leading to the credibility, validity, and reliability of his points. For instance, Gathercole emphasizes 1 Corinthians 15:3 in his illustration. Indeed, 1 Corinthians 15:3 posits that “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures” (ESV, 1 Cor. 15:3) (Gathercole 12). Based on this bible chapter, it is evident that Jesus Christ died for the sins of humans. He was crucified on the cross and tortured by the same people He wanted to save since He believed that they did not know what they were doing. Besides, since Jesus Christ was guided by God, from the time He descended on earth, He did not commit sins. His primary mission was to show individuals how they should pray, worship, and live by observing good things that foster their relationship with God. Gathercole reveals 

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