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1 pages/≈275 words
Religion & Theology
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A Jewish Understanding of Christians and Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Tell me what the article is saying and some critical-thinking response. Single space your heading. Size 12 font (Times New Roman). Double space the response. Should be 2-3 developed paragraphs.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Critical-Thinking Response The article A Jewish Understanding of Christians and Christianity is one that handles one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Any topic touching on the Jews and Christians almost always ends up being biased towards either side or misses the point completely. However, in this particular article, the main issue is about cohesion and tolerance. These two terms do stand out in the article as the author claims that the Jews and Christians have a lot in common to ever be on opposite sides. This does make sense considering that the Old Jewish Testament is similar to that of the Christians and the fact that Christians believe they are part of the Abrahamic covenant. The message in the article is quite clear that Jews and Christians should join hands if the world is to become a better p...
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