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What Jesus Has To Say About Living A Good Life

Essay Instructions:

Read the "Sermon on the Mount", Chapters 5, 6, & 7 in the Gospel of Matthew. Use the teachings from the Sermon on the Mount to develop a witness talk/speech that could be given to a large group of high school students on a retreat. The title of your talk is: "What Jesus has to say about living a good life." The talk should be at least 500 words. Using examples from your life or a teenagers life would give you more points. If you quote from the Gospel of Matthew, you must list them with italics in your paper. The assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, printed and handed in to the teacher. EMAILS will NOT be accepted.

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What Jesus Has to Say About Living A Good Life
Living a good life is not only characterized by happiness but as Christians, there is a lot that a person needs to do for them to be happy. The sermon on the mount provides Christians with a lot of teaching that if followed, they would end up living a happy life. Once a Christian has received salvation, they are bound to face a lot of temptations that need wisdom in order to overcome them. Otherwise, if such temptations are not overcome intelligently, then they stand a chance of backsliding in their faith. Therefore, Jesus had a lot to say about living a happy life during the teachings of the sermon on the mount.
Jesus taught about the importance of living a righteous life because, in the end, they would be filled. Living a righteous life prevents a person from involving themselves in activities that could, in turn, hurt them or other people. This could not be the definition of a happy life. Hence, to live a happy life, one has to follow the biblical teachings that would guide them into living a righteous life. Among the acts of living a righteous life is being merciful towards others because the same would be shown back to you. The world is full of teachings that might end up misleading a person but understanding that you need to live a righteous life, then it would be easy to overcome such teachings....
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