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Nozick's Experience Machine Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The paper topic is if you had the chance to enter Nozick’s “experience machine” for the rest of your life, would you do it? Why might the idea of the experience machine pose a challenge for hedonism? Is the challenge successful? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nozick’s “Experience Machine”
Understanding the balance between what is right and what feels good is quite challenging. Hedonism argues that the objective of people in life is to find pleasure which means feeling good. While Nozick rejects this notion by using an ‘’experience machine’’ experiment which puts people in a position of deciding to do what is right. In this work, I will explain why I cannot enter Nozick’s “experience machine” for the rest of my life, the challenge the ‘’experience machine’’ pose to hedonism, and whether the challenge had been successful.
Robert Nozick came up with an experiment that poses the question of whether people would agree to plug into a machine that gives the desired feeling for the rest of their lives. Nozick explains that suppose there was an ‘’experience machine’’ which would give you the experiences you desire. A marvelous neuropsychologist that could stimulate a person’s brain to make them feel and think like achieving what they have desired most in their lives such as driving the most expensive car, writing a novel, or making a friend. Every time the person will be floating in a tank full of electrodes attached to their brain (Rowland 110). Then in such a situation, should you plug into the machine that will program your life and makes you have the experiences you have desired?
In my opinion, people will refuse to enter the machine because they want to live a life that is full of reality. The same can be seen by presenting people with an option of taking a pill which improves their functions or that which has the same experience as the ‘’experience machine.’’ Most people will be willing to accept an invasive intervention that improves contact with reality. Ideally, people are more concerned about whom they are and what they will become in the future than instead of what they do in life. Personality develops by actual events and real experiences which cannot be achieved through an artificial machine. As rational beings, we understand what life is, and that life is more important than the pleasure received from the machine (Bramble 141). We set goals in life and aims at achieving them through personal experiences instead of stimulated brains. The machine will be like a suicide because it has no inner connection with reality which forms the basis of the reason why we live. Therefore, as a person who needs a real experience, I would not enter the machine because it would not give me the reality in life that I want....
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