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The Initial Step in Preparing a Funeral Passage for Pets

Essay Instructions:

The course so far has discussed the stages essential for getting corpse, soul, and mourners from a state of anguish, fear, and liminality to a state of acceptance and resolution. Based on the structure, principles, and needs of the funerary passage, design a funeral for a pet – one close to you or to a friend. Following your description, you should explain why this design would help those who lost the pet and assure them of the pet’s successful transition. The funeral plan should demonstrate an understanding of the pain of bereavement and the function of funerals. [N.B.: Turning the assignment into a source of satirical humor is inappropriate and will be graded accordingly].

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A Funeral for a Pet
Cremation Versus Burial
This is the initial step in preparing a funeral passage. Cremation will limit the time the owner and the other loved ones will visually appreciate the dead pet, while burial will allow more time for such moments. Despite this, the former will provide sufficient time to understand that the pet has already passed while the latter might prolong the anguish of the remaining loved ones.
In this case, I would suggest cremation, specifically, individual cremation. This process will allow the pet to be cremated separately from others and prevent the ashes from being mixed. The pet’s ashes should be placed in a jar with the pet’s favorite color. If the owner has a jar that the pet preferred when it was still living, this should be used to enclose the pet’s remains. However, if there is none, a new jar can be bought based on the pet’s preferences.
Funeral Establishment
After the cremation, the pet’s remains shall be brought to the funeral establishment, which should be the pet owner’s house. Although this is not the tradition in Western Countries, I think this is where a pet’s funeral should be done because most of the pet’s life, especially when it has been born and raised in the same household, has been spent here. Therefore, all the good memories of the pet with its loved ones remain in the same home.
Duration of Funeral Services
The duration should last for only a day, and the burial will be the following day. This is short, but the single day will be filled with activities related to the pet’s preferences when it was still alive. This will help the pet owner and their loved ones cherish one final moment while contemplating its inevitable separation from the family for a definite time. Moreover, this will allow for an intimate time with the family and concerned friends, and it will teach all of them to live with the pain, sorrow, and happiness that the event has brought them.
Memorial Services
These should include the design and the one-day set of activities for the pet’s memories, preferably in the afternoon. The funeral service where the pet’s remains will be placed should be in a tiny corner of the house, particularly the favorite corner of the pet. A rectangular table with a simplistic design using a white tablecloth will be used. This will symbolize peace and purity. The jar will be placed at the center of the table, and the pet’s enlarged picture should be placed behind the jar, hanging on the wall. Then, small picture frames (i.e., 4x4in) with the pet’s picture with the loved ones should be placed on the table beside the jar, four on each side. The pet’s favorite foods and toys should also be placed on the floor, right in front of the table. These will serve as a memory of the pet’s preferences when still alive.
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