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Foundations in Theology: George Carlin's Position in Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Final Paper Assignment

At the beginning of the semester we watched a portion of a video by George Carlin mocking Christianity and belief in God. A clip of a somewhat longer portion of the original Carlin comedy routine has been posted on D2L for your review under Course Resources. For this paper you will describe and assess Carlin’s arguments from the perspective of the Christian faith as described throughout this semester, and then provide your own assessment of which side makes a stronger case and why.

In writing this paper, you should accomplish the following objectives. First, summarize Carlin’s position. Consider the following questions: Stripping away the humor, what are Carlin’s central arguments? Describe them as clearly as possible. What assumptions (stated or unstated) does Carlin make about reality in general, and about religion and Christianity in particular, that are necessary to his arguments? How does Carlin represent Christianity and belief in God? Second, given what you have learned in this course and any other sources you wish, how does Christianity respond to Carlin’s central objections to belief in God and Christianity? Has Carlin understood and represented the Christian perspective accurately? Do Carlin’s own assumptions and viewpoint invite their own set of doubts and questions? Third, after describing Carlin’s arguments and Christianity’s response to them, which positions, in your opinion, are most convincing and truest to reality and why? Using any other research or arguments you wish to make, evaluate the arguments and assumptions of each side, and where you stand in relation to them. What issues remain unresolved in your mind? Defend your conclusions with sound reasoning and theology.

This paper should be double-spaced, 5-6 pages, with 1 inch margins in 12 point Times Roman. You should follow either MLA or the Chicago Manual of Style in preparing your paper and any citations. Outside sources are not required for this paper, although you are free to refer to them if desired (cite your sources). For the purposes of this assignment you do not need to provide citations when referring to the video itself

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Foundations in Theology
Carlin’s Position
The controversial question as to whether God really is as old as time. Over the years, this is a question that as always generated so much debate and is as heated as they come. There have been three sides to this argument. There is a side that strongly believes in God’s existence and another one that strongly disputes such a possibility; these are popularly known as skeptics. The third side consists of a confused lot who are not decided on whether God exists or not. They maintain a middle ground stance.
George Carlin belonged to the side of skeptics and this was made manifest in many of his discourses. In one of his discourses with the title “Religion is Bullshit”, Carlin outlines several key points that have him convinced that God does not exist (Carlin). First, he contends that there is no God because he has never seen him. He seems to argue that if God really did exist, he ought to have encountered Him at least once in his lifetime. He argues that the visibility of something or someone offers credibility. He is of the opinion that any credible god must be seen.
Second, Carlin does believe in the existence of a God who cannot, for one reason or the other, have things fixed promptly. He says that he prays to fellow actor because he can get things done without any unnecessary delays. He claims to have asked God to do something about a neighbor’s noisy dog for years yet the actor solved that problem the first time he was asked to. Without saying it, Carlin seems to be convinced that an existing God should respond immediately to the prayers channeled his way by believers.
Third, Carlin has a problem with the existence of a God who lets terrible things happen to his worshippers. He fails to come to terms with why a God who is omnipotent would allow his people to wallow in abject poverty. He cannot comprehend why an existing and all-powerful God would let wars, famines, and catastrophes kill innocent people including children.
Last but not least, Carlin has a problem with a God who is supposed to be the embodiment of love yet threatens to burn dissenters in everlasting fire. Why would an all-loving God subject people to untold anguish and torture simply for disobeying? He feels that this is not the resume of a loving God.
In reality, Carlin is of the view that given the existence of an all-powerful God, life should be free of all the cares that mark people’s daily lives. He seems to argue that people ought to lead lives without diseases, hunger, poverty, and such things. Carlin also seems to believe in the old saying that to see is to believe and therefore believes that a true god must be seen. Carlin is also convinced that people should not struggle to acquire that which they desire. He feels that people should be given free will to do as they please without being threatened with a punishment whose severity is unbelievable. He seems to contend that religions tend to stifle people’s lives, especially through a rigid set of rules that must be followed without fail. He tacitly claims that religion and especially Christianity is extorting money from the adherents. As such, he feels that religion is one huge fallacy.
Carlin represents Christians as a lost and confused lot who only go to church to compare dressing codes if anything else. They pray to a God who does not respond immediately to prayers. He asserts that Christians just blindly follow their belief in a God they have never seen that is so strict.
Christianity’s Response to Objections
Carlin’s views about Christianity are espoused by millions of others who strongly feel that God does not exist. This has resulted in Christians making spirited efforts to counter these assertions. They may not have proved beyond reasonable doubt the existence of God but they have provided evidence for the same. Some ...
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