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Religion & Theology
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Christianity and Religion

Essay Instructions:

You must use at least three published sources (information that is not only found online) in order to do this essay. It should be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced and contain proper MLA format bibliographic citations.

As it is a full research essay, multiple elements within this essay will be marked. Your opinion is needed, but evidence of your investigation is also required.

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There are plenty of religions across the world. Each of the religions has different teachings on how people should live. The common factor about the religions is that they believe in a supernatural being who is responsible for their existence (Kaufman 2018). Given the fact that the teachings differ from one religion to another, people have the freedom of choosing whatever religion they wish to believe in. Christianity greatly moves me due to the various teachings put across by their holy book, the Bible.
The most compelling thing about Christianity is that they believe in life after death. People go through a lot of sorrow when they lose a loved one. People have gone through depression as a result of death, hoping that the person can resurrect. In such cases, the biblical teachings offer them hope that they will meet with their loved one during the end of the world. Through the death of Jesus Christ, Christians were forgiven their sins. The bible teaches that Jesus Christ went to be with God the Father to prepare a place whereby Christians would enjoy eternal life. This will only be possible for the Christians who have achieved salvation by believing that Christ died for them and living a righteous life. Therefore, the Christian community has faith that after the end of the world, the dead will be resurrected and hence, will reunite with their families. In addition, this provides hope to the grieving people by knowing that their loved ones have just slept and would reunite with them again (Allison, Scott and Gwendolyn 2016). The fact that the Christian religion provides hope to people is a compelling aspect that makes it move me a lot.
In addition, the Bible has plenty of instructions that act as a guiding factor to Christians in regard to the daily activities. The bible is clear about what is wrong and right. Therefore, this results in a society which is guided by morals and acts in the best interest of other people. For instance, the bible has the ten commandments that Christians should follow each one of them in order to see the kingdom of God. Jesus summed up the ten commandments into loving one another (Evans 2019). Hence, in a situation whereby people show love to one another, then it will be difficult for them to act in a manner which hurts other people. In addition to the ten commandments, the Bible has other teachings from both the old and the new testament that act as a guiding factor to Christianity. Some of the teachings have an impact on the whole world regardless of a person's beliefs, and hence, it is a religion that deserves an appreciation. Its focus is the wellbeing of other people regardless of their religion. It eve...
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