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What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?

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5 Pillars of Islam

(Please write this essay on the basis of the materials I have provided)

- Write

- What the 5 Pillars are?

- Tell me about what/why you "colored".

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The 5 Pillars of Islam
Islam is rooted in five pillars that guide activities and conducts of its members. In particular, the pillars describe religious duties that Muslims must perform to show their submission to Allah. Among the five pillars include Shahada or witnessing that refers to the practice of reciting Arabic words that translates to “There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God” which is important in declaring a person’s faith in God and admitting him/her as a member of the Muslim faith. Notably, shahadah is also whispered in the ears of newborn children and recited to sickly people to guide them in the next adventure.
Consequently, Salah or prayer is a significant pillar among the Muslim Ummah because it exhibits their submission to Allah according to the doctrines of the Qur’an. Specifically, Muslims engage in prayers five times a day beginning from sunset to dawn to cleanse the souls from various sins. Importantly, Muslim’s salah are guided with specific rituals that aim to cleanse the believer before he/she presents the prayer to Allah. The rituals include Wudu that involves purifying the body from dirt by washing the nose, ears, face, hands, and arms before advancing inside the mosque to begin prayers. The process is repeated after prayers. Besides, cleansing the body, Salah also demands that the faithful must be in the correct attire to show respect Allah and recognize the significance of prayers. The proper dressing demand that men should covered from the navel to the knees while women should be covered from the head to toes. Additionally, the prayers should be conducted while facing Mecca that is usually indicated by a mark on the wall according t...
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