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The Shroud of Turin and the Image of Christ and Evidence of Real Blood on it

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video of the Shroud of Turin, here is the link URL: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=E_fSgPQYxkk
It should have all the components of a MLA essay.  These points(questions) are not to be answered as separate questions; they are to be incorporated into the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is believed to be linen cloth that was used to burry Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This was what was believed he had on when he was crucified by the romans. Crucifixion was an execution method the romans used to kill the worst criminals even though Jesus Christ was a symbol of peace, love and humility.
People also believed that imprinted on the fabric was the actual face of Christ. This caused mixed reactions some also had evidence to prove it was indeed true while some had evidence to prove it was a hoax.Ray Rogers, one of the researchers on the Shroud of Turin project stated that he did not believe in miracles that defied the laws of nature. Hence, he continued with his research with a team to prove the authenticity or forgery of the shroud. The story of the shroud was as mysterious as the person it portrayed, for centuries, the shroud vanished.
In the 14th Century, the shroud appeared in the French town of Lure. It was a time of famine and plague in Europe. There were many shrouds at the time claimed to be the one of Christ but the most convincing was the shroud of Turin. Fire nearly destroyed it in 1532 and was contaminated by water. Nuns repaired the shroud and attached a protective backing cloth. In 1578, the shroud moved to its current resting place in Northern Italy. It was kept in Turin for the next four centuries and occasionally displayed to the faithful.
In 1898, the world became aware of the incredible image on the shroud. Italian Secondo Pia took the first photograph of the shroud. That is when Secondo realized the image in the cloth is a negative, not painted and unexplainable.
Secondo Pia was humiliated and called a fake until Giuseppe Enrie, photographed the shroud and achieved the same results. In 1978, ultraviolet photographs were taken for more research on the shroud. Scientists were not allowed access to the sacred relic but the photographs had already reached the public eye.
In the future, Scientists were later allowed to do strict research on the shroud and were heavily guarded by police to ensure security of the shroud. Carbon dating was done on a part of the shroud in every research facility allocated which was The University of...
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