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Religion & Theology
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Historical Lineages and the Shroud of Turin

Essay Instructions:

During class periods 3/28, 29 and 4/1, 2 the class watched a documentary on the Shroud of Turin.  If you were not present for the video, or part of the video, you need to watch it before attempting to complete this project.  The video about the Shroud of Turin posted on +Portal, as well as a power point (I did not use this in class) and several links to Shroud University, a site dedicated to investigating the shroud.
The URL: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=E_fSgPQYxkk

This project should be completed in MLA format. It should have all the components of a MLA essay.  These points are not to be answered as separate questions; they are to be incorporated into the essay.
In a well-developed essay please discuss the following:
What are the scriptural origins of this burial cloth?  What are the cultural origins of it?
How did the image on the cloth come to be on it?  Paint? Ink? Dyeing? Something else?
What are some of the points from the video that “proves” the shroud is genuine?
Of all the evidence of the authenticity that was presented, what is the most convincing to you? Why?
What are some of the points from the video that “proves” the shroud is a medieval forgery?
Of all the evidence pointing to the shroud being a forgery, what, if any, convinced you? Why?
What does it mean to say, “The Shroud of Turin is an eye witness to the crime scene.”?
If the Shroud of Turin is the real, what impact would that have on your faith? (Personal response.)
If the Shroud of Turin is a forgery, what impact would that have on your faith? (Personal response.)
As a conclusion, please include your personal opinion of the authenticity, or not, of the Shroud of Turin.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Shroud of Turin
After watching the film, it is evident that Jesus’ burial cloth is considered as an archaeological facet. In fact, most people believe that the linen cloth was used to cover Jesus when he was placed at the tomb. The Shroud of Turin bears the image of a man, who appears to have been traumatized in a manner that resembles the crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore, it is possible that the image was recorded after the death of Jesus. However, some skeptics argue that a shroud is an appropriate form of devotional art. To dispel the argument, Secondo Pia, took a picture of the shroud, which had the resemblance of a man who had been crucified. Because of this reason, scientists have been conducting studies to identify the aspects that can prove that the image was a genuine shroud.
Scientists and archaeologists have provided evidence on the miraculous nature and origin of the Shroud of Turin. According to different forms of infrared assessments, it is apparent that “The Shroud of Turin” is not just a painting. Walter McCrone started the painting rumor after discovering the microscopic traces of paint. However, different artists have attempted to replicate the painting in conformity with historical findings. Other researchers have conducted studies to reveal the nature of the shroud and prove the hypothesis that it was the cloth used in the burial of Jesus Christ.
The film shows that the shroud is just a medieval forgery. However, the view is not denied or emphasized in the depiction. In my opinion, the film fails to provide the missing information which is critical in the expansion of skeptical perceptions. The director of the film reveals the u...
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