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Westernization of Mental Health

Essay Instructions:

Based on our class readings, lectures, and discussions, respond to the prompt below. Your response should be three pages. No shorter, but also no longer. This is challenging! In order to respond to the prompt in a limited amount of space, you will have to write a clear, concise essay.


In his chapter “The Wave that Brought PTSD to Sri Lanka”, and his article “The Americanization of Mental Illness”, Watters argues that as Western ideas about mental illness spread globally, they can sometimes harm people.

  • # Your friend leads an organization that is promoting mental health awareness and treatment worldwide. In order to keep the organization from accidentally harming people, what would you advise your friend to be aware of? You do not need to provide solutions, but clearly explain potential dangers. Using evidence from the Watters articles (and, if you want, other readings from the course), demonstrate why your friend needs to pay attention to these issues.

Use at least three pieces of evidence from the text to support your argument.


  • Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced.
  • Use 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins on the top, bottom, left and right.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph.


  • Whenever you cite a text from the syllabus, provide an in-text citation

including the author’s last name, date of publication, and page numbers.

  • If you cite a text that is not on the syllabus, provide in-text citations and list bibliographic information for these sources in a “Works Cited” section.
  • You can find information about citations here: Chicago Manual of Style


You will be graded based on how well your essay does the following:

  • Answers all parts of the question clearly and thoughtfully.
  • Is clearly and logically structured. Your essay should include:
    • A thesis statement: a single sentence stating your main point.
    • A brief introduction and conclusion.
    • A body composed of paragraphs that are clearly organized and are directly relevant to your thesis.
    • Uses relevant textual evidence, with citations, to support your argument.
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Westernization of Mental Health
A multifaceted approach is recommended for any western organization seeking to promote mental health awareness worldwide. This approach is based on the understanding that western narratives and ideas surrounding mental health should not be imposed on other cultures while their own culture is diffused away. Foreign psychology aid should be aware of thriving psychological health systems because every culture is unique. Therefore, organizations need to avoid spreading the western narratives as the only permissible ways of explaining causes, a manifestation of distress, and spread the high-popularized western narrative to other cultures with little regard for their traditional healing and methods of dealing with distress. Psychological distress is not a new phenomenon in society and has been solved by interpreting personal and autonomous people within the same culture for decades. The genesis to implementation of self-regulators to inhibit cultural acculturation and assimilation to western ideas while discrediting traditional narratives of distress includes various aspects that should be widely recognized.
Culture is the preferred way of life of particular people and how they interpret experiences and how distress is manifested, caused, and treated. The high-winded scientific ideas are just a singular approach to this phenomenon. (Watters 2010, 73) In this light, administering the western approach to a new culture is similar to introducing a new concept of thinking in an already established system with its socio-cultural structure. Moreover, organizations spreading mental health awareness should stop evangelizing the highly popularized mental narratives as they could potentially be "ineffective or even harmful" (Watter 2010, 73). For example, when countries seek western help during wars or calamities because the traditional narratives and healing practices have been compromised brings and gains pity from the powerful West, belittling of their practices becomes the norm(Watters 2010, 84).
Consequently, eroding the traditional cultural narratives of distress weakens their national spirit, independence, and persistence to overcome the natural calamities without intervention from the West. A classic example is a massive post-traumatic effect experienced after the massive tragedy in Srilankans. Western organizations undermined the capacity and experience of the local population to use their traditional healing practices to rebuild and recover when they "had evolved a culture better able to integrate and give meaning to terrible events" (Watters, 72). Although the message of traditional narratives of distress is subtle and inferior among the Westerners, many trauma experts responded to the tragedy in Sri Lanka "to simply ignore or discount the cultural traditions, beliefs, and rituals that Sri Lankans had long relied on." ( Watter 2010)). Thus, psychology organizations should limit intrusion, denial of traditional approaches to tragedies, calamities, and war regardles...
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