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The Impact Burnout is Having on Employees Particularly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

The “Org Psych in the News” reflections are meant to demonstrate the application of Organizational Psychology concepts and theories to real world organizational situations. Each student is responsible for posting current situations in the news that could benefit from an analysis through the lens of an Organizational Psychology concept or theory.
Attention should be paid to whether the example is demonstrating an individual level concept or theory, a group level concept or theory, or an organizational level concept or theory. The submission of the two examples should be spread out across the semester. Any relevant links (Ex. news articles) should be provided to demonstrate each example, and a detailed paragraph should be written applying the org psych concept or theory to the particular organizational situation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article: “The future of work is here, employee burnout needs to go”
Link: /2021/09/23/the-future-of-work-is-here-employee-burnout-needs-to-go.html
For this reflection, I chose to reflect on the impact burnout is having on employees particularly at this period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The success of an organization is reliant to a great extent on the productivity of employees and any factor that impedes this productivity limits the ability of the organization to attain its goals. According to the news article, while burnout is a real problem facing modern organizations, the pandemic made it worse. The article cites a survey by Indeed, which found out that more than half of the respondents experience burnouts, which got worse during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key organizational psychology concepts that can be derived from the news article include organizational commitment, work motivation, and job satisfaction. Employees are arguably the most important assets for an organization and it is the responsibility of companies to ensure that their welfare is protected. When employees experience burnout, it means their commitment to the organization is affected to a great extent. Organizational commitment is critical to ensuring that employees are dedicated and engaged with their jobs and the organization at large. However, when employees are experiencing burnouts and the organization is not doing anything to address them, organizational commitment is bound to reduce. Without organizational commitment, employees may not want to continue working for an organization or may quit employment altogether. A key interesting phenomenon that occurred during the pandemic as reported by the article is the Great Resignation where employees in large nu...
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