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Gritty Characteristics and the Major Points and Application of Grit

Essay Instructions:

Grit Paper (100 points)

Write a two- to four-page (not less than two full pages, no more than four full pages) describing someone you know (not a celebrity) who exhibits the characteristics of a gritty person.

Include these sections in your paper--add the headings in bold and write in a narrative style (no bullets).

1. Introductory Comments (10 points)

Introduce the person (at least 3 complete sentences - about a quarter of a page):

What is the person's relationship to you (how do you know her/him or know of her/him)?

What is the person's career/hobby that makes you consider him/her gritty (sports, music, business, etc)?

2. Gritty Characteristics (20 points)

Tell a story of the person's life and how they increased their grit across time (at least 6 complete sentences - up to about half a page).

3. Key Terms/Major Point about Grit (20 points)

Using the Grit TED Talk and the article you read (Grit: Perseverance and Passion of Long-Term Goals) as reference, describe how the person's life characterizes the key terms/major points. Include at least 6 terms, such as deliberate practice, and indicate them by putting them in bold. Make sure I know that you know what grit is (at least 6 complete sentences - up to about half a page).

4. Application of Grit (20 points)

Apply the concept of grit to your own lifespan development (at least 6 complete sentences - at least half a page). This is the most important part of your paper:

What was your score on the Grit Scale?

What did you learn about yourself from the Grit Scale?

What did you learn about yourself from the Grit TED Talk and the article you read (Grit: Perseverance and Passion of Long-Term Goals)?

How might you incorporate the knowledge into your own life (i.e., so what are you going to do about your increased knowledge of grit)

5. Pay It Forward (10 points)

Conclude your paper with how you plan to share what you learned about Grit with others (at least 3 sentences - about a quarter of a page):

Who will talk to about Grit?

Why did you choose that person?

What will you tell her/him?

6. Met Writing Requirements (20 points)

Follow these instructions in writing your paper:

Do not include a title page, a header, or a footer.

Create a title on the top line.

Write in Times New Roman 12-point font.

Double space the entire document.

Put a heading in bold for each of the five main sections of the paper (see above).

Write in narrative style (one or more paragraphs) in each section - no bullet points.

Meet the length requirements in each section (see above).

Use standard academic English throughout your paper.

Submit your paper as a Word document before the deadline on the Course Calendar.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Gritt Paper
Ms. Rachel is one of the successful business persons within my neighborhood. At the age of twenty-eight years, she has managed to achieve so much beyond anyone’s belief. She is a multimillionaire with a humble background, indicating that her wealth is self-made rather than generational. I knew about her life when she presented an encouraging speech to a youth group within the locality. Her business deals with smart house appliances, and she primarily markets it through a popular app, where she offers her clients appealing deals and shopping experiences. Although she is successful, I understand that she had to overcome diverse barriers to reach her current status.
Gritty Characteristics
At the age of twenty-two, Rachel was almost becoming frustrated with life because she had already encountered disappointing experiences. Her parents could not afford the school fees, leading to constant deferment. Although her peers had finished far earlier than her, she did not give up as she demonstrated her passion for learning diverse skills by attending local training programs that required significantly lesser expenses. By the time she was finishing her college life, life was economically challenging at home. As a result, she decided to relocate to my area and start a business after failing to secure a decent job. Despite the constant discouragement from close relatives and friends that shifting to start-ups at her age was a wrong idea, she mustered courage and stayed focused on her goal. They even presented the scaring statistics about the number of such businesses that fail within a year and ten years, but that would not sway her from this passion. Since then, she has demonstrated her resilience against the existing competition from established firms by distinguishing herself. She persevered through the challenging times until her business gradually started to gain momentum. Today, she offers insights on the value of determination for growth even in the unlikeliest circumstances.
Key Terms/M...
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