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Portrayal of Men and Women in Advertising Media

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1 : What could these people have possibly been thinking? American Idol was a televised singing competition. A great many people auditioned for the show, but only a handful would make it to the competition. Special episodes of the show featured the painful auditions (and the subsequent ego-shattering rejections) of many horribly untalented singers who very sincerely believed that they were destined to become singing stars.  View the following videos of bad American Idol auditions on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MoEsz42fnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLSLFflLbk4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NGwRzpGIrI

In a 2-3 page paper, use social psychological theory and principles to discuss how these young people’s self-perceptions might have gotten so far out of step with reality (you may choose to focus on just one person, or address two or more of them). What might explain why they usually discount the objective feedback from the judges and continue to believe that they are more talented than they really are? Be sure to apply social psychological principles from the course material to your analysis—don’t just speculate. Hint: Please don’t say that they are just making fools of themselves for the attention (that might happen sometimes, but these people were clearly sincere) and please don’t give your opinion of American Idol. That misses the point, which is to use social psychological theory to understand how people sometimes develop inaccurate selfconceptions and maintain them despite contradictory evidence.  

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Assignment 5: Portrayal of Men and Women Portrayed in Advertising Media
Today, society's interest in advertising is evident in various contexts. Professional marketers that create worthwhile commercial initiatives keep up with the latest trends and employ strategies and imagery that appeal to potential customers. Advertising media reflects gender stereotypes. This paper will primarily showcase gender stereotypes reflected in the adverts of two well-known color fashion magazines, GQ and Elle. This will be done by analyzing the similarities in depictions of men and women in advertising media, the differences in depictions of men and women in advertising media, the simplistic, unrealistic, sexist, or objectifying depictions in their advertisements, the impact of depictions on readers' thinking about gender roles, body image, or sexuality.
Similarities in Depictions of Men and Women in Advertising Media
The portrayal of men and women in GQ and Elle is quite similar, focusing on physical attractiveness, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle goods. The two magazines frequently use young, physically fit, and conventionally appealing models. This supports the notion that one's success and value are strongly influenced by their physical appearance (Latvėnaitė 3). Additionally, both magazines present both men and women as sexual objects. This portrayal perpetuates gender norms and objectifies women, which may harm their self-esteem and perception of their bodies. The similarity in how men and women are portrayed in these magazines suggests that society continues to prioritize outward beauty and perpetuates gender stereotypes. Encouraging varied portrayals of men and women that emphasize their abilities, accomplishments, and personalities rather than just their physical attributes is critical.
Differences in Depictions of Men and Women in Advertising Media
Men and women are portrayed quite differently in commercial media, with women objectified and reduced to their physical attributes and sexuality. However, advertisements for men in GQ usually center on their success, attractiveness, and confidence, with a stronger focus on apparel, accessories, and grooming goods (Mitchell 6). This suggests that although women are admired for their physical qualities, males are seen as strong, accomplished people (Kordrostami 1182). By reinforcing negative gender stereotypes and elevating an unattainable standard of beauty, such objectification can negatively affect women's self-esteem and body image. Gender prejudices and negative preconceptions must be eliminated for the media to portray men and women in more inclusive and varied ways.
Simplistic, Unrealistic, Sexist, or Objectifying Depictions
In the two fashion companies, men and women are frequently portrayed in unrealistic and objectifying ways that promote an idealized vision of sexuality and attractiveness that is out of reach for most people. The target audience that attempts to live up to th...
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