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The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma

Essay Instructions:

With all Essays, please aim to demonstrate depth of analysis and critical thinking about the field of trauma in an integrated discussion. Draw connections to concepts and demonstrate insight about the complexities of trauma.

*When discussing everything mentioned above relate to a made up story of how you(the writer) has alcoholism that runs through your family*


• Please name the topic or fact or theory that you learned this semester in class lectures (NOT books or weekly articles) that made the greatest impression upon you and/or changed your perspective in some significant way.

• Describe and/or define this topic/fact/theory briefly, then explain in what way it was important or meaningful to you, and in what way your perspective has been changed.

• This reflection paper is an opportunity for you to demonstrate the integration of what you have learned with your own knowledge, beliefs, and experience.

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April 23, 2023
The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma
Trauma is a widespread and complex phenomenon that impacts millions of people worldwide. It is the emotional, psychological, and physical reaction to a very upsetting or frightening event or series of events that frequently jeopardize a person's safety or well-being. Genetics can also pass on stress, which is why specific trauma runs in families and can be triggered by specific events. Natural catastrophes, war, abuse, grief, and even seemingly small occurrences with a profound emotional impact can all be considered traumatic experiences. Accordingly, one of the commonly accepted facts is that trauma can have a profound and long-lasting effect on a person's life, causing a wide range of emotional, cognitive, and physical symptoms that can seriously limit one's capacity to function and develop. In this essay, I would discuss the intergenerational transmission of trauma, delves into its causes, and shares some of her personal experiences with trauma involving alcohol.
The subject that most influenced me this semester was the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma. According to this hypothesis, unresolved trauma experienced by one generation can be passed on to the next generations, leading to psychological and emotional issues ("Trauma"). This idea struck a deep chord with me because it made it easier for me to comprehend the complexities of my own family's alcoholism and its effects on my life. These might have been brought on by my current predicament. The process by which the aftereffects of traumatic experiences can be transmitted down through generations is known as intergenerational transmission of trauma. Numerous factors, including genetic susceptibility, attachment styles, and learned behaviors, can contribute to this. According to research, children of trauma survivors may struggle emotionally, have stronger stress reactions, and have a higher risk of acquiring mental health conditions (Boland and Gerson).
Personally, the significance of this subject stems from its potential to illuminate the causes and effects of trauma within families. These will also be beneficial for those who are dealing with the same trauma or who are unsure of the cause of their trauma. Alcoholism has been a chronic problem in my own life that has impacted several generations. I've been told that my grandfather was an alcoholic, which caused my father's upbringing turbulent and chaotic. My father struggled with alcoholism, despite his efforts to break the cycle, eventually passing the burden on my siblings and myself. Before learning about the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma, I found it challenging to comprehend why drinking profoundly impacted my family. I mistakenly believed that my family's use of alcohol to relax was all that was needed to do so, but that was before it got out of control and became excessive. As I attempted to make sense of our predicament, I battled feelings of rage, bitterness, and uncertainty....
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