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The Big Five Personality Traits

Essay Instructions:

Trait Perspective

Apply the trait perspective to your chosen personality aspect. The traits in the chapter are very similar to the traits I have listed in the supplemental material for the writing assignments, but here are the Big 5.

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.

You could also talk about Allport or Murry’s ideas:

Nomothetic approach, idiographic approach, common traits, central traits, secondary traits, psychogenic needs, and press.

There are other ideas and methods that I’ve left out but could be relevant to your assignment.

Address the following

State what your chosen personality aspect you are using for this assignment.

State the theoretical perspective(s) being applied to your chosen aspect and briefly describe the perspective in general.

Describe all necessary parts of the perspective that are relevant to your aspect.

(If the perspective does not seem to have parts that are relevant to your chosen aspect, please describe the major ideas of the perspective and what you will use for point #3)

Describe how the perspective would explain your chosen aspect.

(If the perspective does not really address your chosen aspect, do your best to imagine how they would explain it)

Explain whether you think the perspective does a good job explaining your chosen aspect and why (go into detail about your opinion).

Comparing the trait perspective to Neo-Freudian and Freud’s perspective, which perspective do you favor most? Whether you changed your mind from assignment #2 or not, explain your reasoning why you favor one perspective over the others.

Assignment Details

Font: 12pt, Calibri or Times New Roman

Spacing: double-spaced

Length: Between 500 – 700 words/ 1.5 pages - 2 pages. Papers with less than 500 words or less than a page and a half will be at risk of losing points.

Format: Save your final document as a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf)

Submission: Upload to Canvas links appropriate to the assignment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The Big Five Personality Traits

The Big Five personality traits, constituting the Five Factor Model, serve as a comprehensive framework for delineating individual personality characteristics. These facets encompass Openness (about one's receptivity to novel experiences), Conscientiousness (reflective of an individual's self-discipline and organizational tendencies), Extraversion (about one's proclivity for social engagement), Agreeableness (denoting one's capacity for compassion and cooperative behavior), and Neuroticism (indicative of emotional resilience and stability) (Diener and Lucas).

1 The Personality Aspect

Openness delineates my proclivity and readiness to engage with fresh experiences, novel ideas, and alternative modes of thought. I inherently possess a sense of curiosity, imagination, and receptiveness to diverse viewpoints, consistently seeking intellectual stimulation and a broad spectrum of experiences.

2 Theoretical

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