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Potter Lake at Lawrence, KS

Essay Instructions:

This semester, you have learned about the Kansas landscape in ecological and physical environment terms. You have considered the different human-environment interactions that take place in this area. You also have reflected on what you observe in the landscape as well as compared and contrasted it with your home environment. For this project, you will write an essay and develop a presentation for the class that combines ideas we have discussed and skills you have been practicing throughout the semester. The essay: Throughout the semester, you have taken photos of a place on campus that you have visited each week. You have also written captions for these photos that reflect on what you observe about the place and how it and you have changed during the last couple months. In your essay, you should describe the place you chose on campus, some of the ecological and physical environment features of that particular place, and the various human-environment interactions that can (or do) occur in the place. After you have described your place on campus, you should reflect on your experiences in that place over the course of the semester. What have you learned about this place as you revisit it each week? What changes have you witnessed in this place after revisiting it every week? What do you notice about it now that you were not aware of when you first wrote about it at the beginning of the semester? (In other words, how have your Wiki notes/entries changed or evolved over the course of the semester?) In your essay, you want to apply ideas and skills you have learned this semester to demonstrate a deeper understanding of this place. A successful essay will: Include the qualities of a reflectiona description of what is being reflected on and a thoughtful consideration of the subject of your reflection Describe the different aspects of landscape that we have covered throughout the coursephysical environment, ecology, and human-environment interaction Address the questions posed in the assignment sheet, keeping in mind that these questions should inform the structure of your writing (and not limit or overwhelm you) Be a cohesive narrative that presents an account of the ways the place changed and of your development as a student and observer over the course of the semester Be formatted according to MLA conventions Be relatively free from spelling/grammar/usage errors. Meet the minimum length requirement (750-1,000 words) additional information: Potter Lake is a great place to relax. There are many stories about this lake. This lake was established in 1911 and named after T.M Potter. The goal of building this lake is to protect the Mount Oread from fires. Over the years, there were many competitions held at the lake such as swimming race, diving contests, canoe, outdoor movie presentations and other special events. Most KU student went to the lake to focus on their studies. The green scene around the lake let students integrate with study. Despite the pollution in the lake, it is still popular place for students. The first week picture was a little different from this picture. In the first picture we can see that the weather was lovely and the color of trees is a little strong. But in the first week when I came to the first time to this place I felt a strange sense. Second week when I came I was excited to feel the same feeling. When I arrived I felt the same sense but in high level. The grass has a green color and has not changed. Fallen leaves increase in the lake, because of rain and wind. The sky color in the second picture was light blue and the weather was lovely to walk and to relax.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Potter Lake at Lawrence, KS
Date of Submission
The Potter Lake at Lawrence is magnificent scenery for nature lovers owing to the beautiful land cover surrounding the lake. This owes to the reality that the area around the lake is covered with green trees and grass, which amplifies the beauty of the lake. Critical to the discussion is the fact that the tall brown building boosts the scenery at the lake by indicating the presence of human life around the lake. Further, the dipping and rising landscape creates beautiful scenery that enables viewers of the lake to glimpse its entire size from a distance. It is notable that the physical environment around the lake is different from my home environment because of the minimal buildings and extensive vegetative cover around the lake. This paper describes the Potter Lake at Lawrence in Kansas, human activities around the lake, and discusses changes around the lake over the last three visits to the lake.
As aforementioned, the Potter Lake at Lawrence is beautiful implying it could attract nature lovers to the place. The area around the lake is covered with tall trees that boost the scenery around the place. Further, the area beyond the lake is only covered with green grass, which enables people to view the lake from a distance. It is crucial to highlight that the lake under discussion has floating plants above the water surface. As evidence, images taken from the lake indicate green leaves floating on the surface of the lake, which is clearly illustrated by the figure below. Considering the nature of the physical environment under discussion, it is expected that the area would be full of people come to enjoy the beautiful scenery around the lake. Regardless of the fact that there is a pavement besides the lake, people do not frequent the lake.
It is critical that the lake in question was named after a former regent called T.M. Potter and was dedicated in 1911(Historic Mount Oread Friends, n.d). Additionally, Potter Lake is not a naturally occurring lake because man made it. As evidence, Oenbring et al., (2009) argues that the Board of Regents from the University of Kansas realized the area would be unprotected in case of a major fire. This owes to the reality that the only water supply in the area was a small water line from the city. To make matters worse, the water line could only run for five minutes implying it could not help extinguish a major fire. As a result, the Board laid down their plans for building a large source of water. This led to the establishment of the Potter Lake a large source of water that could prevent Mount Oread from fires.

The Potter La...
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