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The Omnivore's Dilemma Sparknotes

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment: 25 percent of the grade

After reading Michael Pollan's book, read the excerpted op-ed (below) by Missouri farmer Blake Hurst that appeared in the journal of the American Enterprise Institute. Then write a 6 to 9 page paper that responds to Hurst's argumnets. Use information from Pollan's book to support your arguments. You may write your paper in the form of a letter to Hurst, as an op-ed piece, or as a traditional essay.

Be sure to analyze Hurst's ideas thoroughly and to respond to his arguments with facts from Pollan's book. Please do not offer quotations from Pollan that exceed one sentence in length. Instead, put ideas and facts into your own words. Also, be sure to cite the page numbers where you located the ideas and facts. Finally, before you write your paper, reread the Paper Guidelines to be sure you understand when and how to cite page numbers, and to be sure you understand what constitutes plagiarism.

Do not consult outside sources, including Internet sources. The only source you need is Pollan’s book. The assignment is designed so that you become familiar with the ideas and arguments put forward in this book and learn how to use them to make an argument.

“The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals,” by Blake Hurst

On the desk in front of me are a dozen books, all hugely critical of present-day farming. Farmers are often given a pass in these books, painted as either naïve tools of corporate greed, or economic nullities forced into their present circumstances by the unrelenting forces of the twin grindstones of corporate greed and unfeeling markets. To the farmer on the ground, though, a farmer blessed with free choice and hard won experience, the moral choices aren’t quite so easy. Biotech crops actually cut the use of chemicals, and increase food safety. Are people who refuse to use them my moral superiors? Herbicides cut the need for tillage, which decreases soil erosion by millions of tons. The biggest environmental harm I have done as a farmer is the topsoil (and nutrients) I used to send down the Missouri River to the Gulf of Mexico before we began to practice no-till farming, made possible only by the use of herbicides. The combination of herbicides and genetically modified seed has made my farm more sustainable, not less, and actually reduces the pollution I send down the river.

Consumers benefit from cheap food. If you think they don’t, just remember the headlines after food prices began increasing in 2007 and 2008, including the study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations announcing that 50 million additional people are now hungry because of increasing food prices. Only “industrial farming” can possibly meet the demands of an increasing population and increased demand for food as a result of growing incomes.

Michael Pollan takes the expected swipes at animal agriculture. But his truly radical prescriptions have to do with the raising of crops. In his book, he leaves nuance behind, as well as the laws of chemistry. The nitrogen problem is this: without nitrogen, we do not have life. Until we learned to produce nitrogen from natural gas, the only way to get nitrogen was through the nitrogen produced by legumes. The mount of life the earth could support was limited by the amount of nitrogen available for crop production.

Norman Borlaug, the founder of the green revolution, estimates that the amount of nitrogen available naturally would only support a worldwide population of 4 billion souls or so. He further remarks that we would need another 5 billion cows to produce enough manure to fertilize our present crops with “natural” fertilizer. That would play havoc with global warming. And cows do not produce nitrogen from the air, but only from the forages they eat, so to produce more manure we will have to plant more forages.

Pollan thinks farmers use commercial fertilizer because it is easier, and because it is cheap. Pollan is right. But those are perfectly defensible reasons. As much as Pollan might desire it, even President Obama cannot reshuffle the chemical deck that nature has dealt. Energy may well get much more expensive, and peak oil production may have been reached. But food production will have a claim on fossil fuels long after we have learned how to use renewables and nuclear power to handle many of our other energy needs.

I use chemicals and diesel fuel to accomplish the tasks my grandfather used to do with sweat, but I’m still farming the same land he did 80 years ago. And everything I know and I have learned tells me this: we have to farm “industrially” to feed the world, and by using those “industrial” tools sensibly, we can accomplish that task and leave my grandchildren a prosperous and productive farm, while protecting the land, water, and air around us.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals
Food production is core to the entire economic system that the world relies on. The human population and the animal population all rely on the ability of the food production systems to produce enough now and in the future. Food security has been one of the most contentious issues that the world economies have had to deal with in the last few decades. This is mainly due to the fact that the demand for food has increased relative to the growing population and the rising income status of most of the population. As a result, cultural means of farming have had to be set aside for the rise of the industrial farming that utilizes the advances in technology to meet the ever rising demand. Using herbicides to mitigate the weeds such that the farmers do not have to till the land is one of the basic elements.Using tractors and other farming machinery to enhance the farming operations is also central to the food production systems(Hurst). Farmers have had to adapt to the new food production mechanism as they rush to meet the demands of world food safety and tussle with the environmental concerns and policies. It is these elements that Blake Hurst in his article titled ‘The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals’, is defending as he responds some of the content that Michael Pollan wrote in the book, ‘The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.’The two provide some insightful information in relation to the aspect of food production. Pollan breaks down the food chains of some of the most common foods in America and gives a critic of the same.
The Response
In the article ‘The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals’ Hurst brings out some of the most crucial aspects that have formed part of the food debate in America, with most of the critics pointing fingers at the farmers for failing to be environmentally friendly. Hurst, points to the many books that have been authored all accusing the farmers using the industrial farming an element of farming that is harming the environment. Hurst further brings out the elements of pressure that the farmers have to deal with, as the corporate greed and the pressure from the markets force farmers to use adaptive measures(Hurst).Over the years, having been born in Missouri where his fathers like was a farmer; Hurst has developed in-depth experiences in the farming science and art. He has also adapted to the various advances in the farming industry, relative to use of biotech plants, herbicides and other sustainable practices that ensure the level of pollution coming from his farm is minimal.
According to Pollan, corn has become one of most cultivated crop since the early nineties. Relative to the fact that growing corn was much cheaper and that the government had made substantial subsidies, farmers started to grow the crop in large numbers (Pollan, 17). The yields were also better compared to the other cultural produce that they were used. Today corn is practically used in more products whether processed otherwise, that one would dare to guess. On this account, Pollan is correct as corn has spread far and wide, however farmers are also growing other products in their farms other than corn. When Pollan visited George Naylor, he got the experience of how organic farmers grow their foods. Ironically, while Pollandemonizes the element of growing corn and soy beans in the American, he also point to the fact that Naylor also grows these crops (Pollan, 137). He also does not mention the fact that, the aspect of producing foods organically is not sustainable at the moment. There are very few farmers that are using the practice and as such the practice cannot sustain the food production mechanisms or the demand in the market.Organic farming promises the American population foods that are not contaminated with chemicals and low to no environmental degradation (Pollan, 150). Hurst brings out one of the most basic points that underline the growth and development that agriculture has experienced over the years. In light of the land tillage and the concerns that surroundsoil erosion as well as nutrients loss, the herbicides have come as a remedy. They reduce the need to till the land to remove the weeds, whereby conserving the topsoil and controlling erosion.Biotech plants have also come as a result of the need to reduce the element of using chemicals to fight the weeds and the parasites that affect the food produce dramatically. Using the genetically enhanced seeds and the herbicides reduces the element of pollution that associated with farming. It is important to note that farming has been rated as one of the most significant contributing factors to pollution alongside manufacturing. As such, farming has taken on the element of technological adaptions that enhance the efforts to reduce pollution and boost food nutrients and food safety. Critics like Pollan, avoid the true basic backgrounds that agriculture is based on. From the start of farming, agriculture has taken on human development in light of technology. This is basically, why most of the farming practices employ technology in their background(Hurst).
While organic farming is famed for the fact that it is going to further reduce the elements of chemicals in the food chains, reduce environmental degradation and boost food security, it is important to look at the history of food production. Organic farming forms part of what was originally the basic practice among the farmers. However, in light of the food safety crisis, technology has been at the forefront of making sure that there is enough food at the table of every American and with improved nutrients, while reducing the elements of environmental degradation. In light of the demand placed on the food production systems alone, organic farming is not sustainable regardless of what many of the critics may try to hold to the façade.
Although the current farming trends may be seen to be harming the environment, there are always tradeoffs with any basic practices. In this case the tradeoff with industrial farming, as Hurst points is the fact that, he has harmed the top soil by taking away the nutrients at a much faster rate that it is possible to let the natural systems replenish them. This is the basic cycle that Pollan and other crit...
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