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Economic, Gift, and Market Exchange

Essay Instructions:

Gift Giving/Economic Exchange, Due by Tuesday Oct. 4 at 8am

Weekly Question #4 (worth 2 WQ's)

Length: I think about the equivalent of two pages double-spaced is sufficient.

Shostak argues that the San understand and practice economy differently than how the economy is often understood and sometimes practiced in the United States. By economy I mean this: the way in which “stuff” is produced/procured, exchanged, distributed and consumed (including the values, beliefs, and social relations constituting those practices.)

For this weekly essay, let’s consider the type of economic exchange that Shostak describes as important to San life, gift-exchange, in comparison to market exchange (the buying or selling according to market value and rationalities). There are two parts to this question. Read and follow them closely!

Part 1) Think about a time when you have given or received a gift—perhaps this was a material object like a present, or better yet some work or a service like helping you/someone move into a new house or apartment, or perhaps an invitation to dinner. Then think carefully about the type of relationship that you had with the person that you exchanged the gift with. Was this a person that you knew? What happened afterword? Was there an expectation of return/reciprocation upon receipt (either immediately or if the person called on you in the future)? (think carefully about this!)

How did this gift make you feel about the person that gave you the gift; how did it impact your relationship with them?

Part 2) Think about a recent time that you engaged in a “market” exchange--as mundane and typical example the better. In fact, let’s say this: think about a time that you bought (or sold) something at a store recently. What was the exchange like? Did you know the person that you purchased it from or sold something to? How did this transaction make you feel about the person that you interacted with? How did it impact your relationship with the person or business that you engaged with?

Finally, sum up and compare the two different types of economic exchange; what are the characteristics of and similarities and differences of each?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Economic Difference, Health, and Well-Being
Part 1
I once received a gift in form of an invitation to dinner from an investor. Indeed, at that moment, I was looking for an individual who understood business investment so that I can know what to do since I had been thinking about starting and running a firm. My parents connected me to one of their friends, a successful entrepreneur in technology. I prepared myself and went for dinner at the investor’s home, which I would say was classy and luxurious. Although at first, I did not know the techpreneur, my parents did, and their relationship with him was good. In reality, they had been friends since college. During the dinner, I asked various questions, which were answered entirely. Although there was no reciprocation expected, the investor promised me that I will get the support I needed upon starting my business. He offered to be checking on me in the future, in case, I opened the business and needed more advice.
My gift of an invitation to a dinner made me feel good about myself and the investor who had invited me. I realized that entrepreneurs are always looking for business opportunities to invest in, which explains why they make more money. Notably, studies have shown that inequalities have been increasing, and some people have better living standards than others (Navarro). However, what they do not say is that these individuals living well make big financial risks, which is why they make more money. Investors are ready to risk, as long as, they get a worthy business idea. My relationship with the investor changed, and we became close friends. As such, I noted that without taking risk, it is hard to grow or make positive progress in life.
Part 2
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