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Economics and Ethics: Economic Inequality

Essay Instructions:

In this class we’ve talked about several ethical issues and ethical ideas. Pick one issue that’s personally important to you, your family, a friend, or that you find especially interesting.

• Could be about economic choices, inequality, jobs/employment, covid, other health issues, education, etc. or something else.

Explain why this issue is important. Explain how ethical reasoning could be applied to analyzing this topic. If appropriate your analysis may lead you to make some policy recommendations, or you could just discuss how ethical values can be used to evaluate a situation or decision (or both). Your paper should have a main thesis statement which you support with arguments, evidence, and reasoning. Please reference at least two of the assigned readings.

• Length: 5 pages (double spaced)

• Due: Thursday, October 20 by 5pm.

The paper should be no longer than 5 pages. In order to receive a better grade on this assignment, you should focus on quality rather than length. Focus on making the paper well written and on the logic of your argument.

You should write several drafts of the paper (for example 3 drafts), improving it each time. It would also be useful to seek feedback from your classmates, members of your class group or others. For example, you may ask your group members for feedback on earlier drafts and offer to provide feedback in return.

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Economics and Ethics: Economic Inequality
The growing gap in economic inequality has become an issue of concern for many, and with good reason. The poor continue to suffer in poverty while the wealthy continue accumulating wealth. This rise in inequality is evident in the growing gap between the rich and the poor; according to Bapuji et al., the wealth of the 26 wealthiest people in the world is equal to that of the bottom 50% (over 3 billion people) [2]. Such statistics provide a powerful reason to reduce inequality. Yet, some people argue that the need to fight economic inequality stems from a place of envy toward the rich. However, economic inequality is an ethical concern that stems from unfairness and unequal opportunities in wealth creation and should be addressed. This paper will apply Rawls’ difference principle and Nozick’s entitlement principle to analyze economic inequality and how it can be reduced.
Why Economic Inequality is an Issue worth Looking Into
Economic inequality is troubling because it affects not only specific individuals but society. According to Basu, economic inequality contributes to violence, supremacist ideologies and identities, and other social problems, including opioid use (1). These are issues that affect not only the poor but also the wealthy, although to varying degrees. In addition, economic inequality contributes to unethical behaviors in organizations and society in general. For instance, Bapuji et al. indicate that inequality has been linked to bribery (31). Economic inequality tempts the poor to accept bribes before delivering services. Bribery in public offices hinders the fair delivery of public services between the wealthy, who are financially capable of paying bribes, and the poor, who are economically incapable of the same. In addition, economic inequality presents ethical concerns in politics because political figures often depend on contributions from the rich to run their political campaigns. This can hinder fair representation by political figures in public office. Economic inequality has also been linked to tax evasion and other forms of tax fraud (Bapuji et al. 31). Reports in the news indicate that the rich hide their wealth in offshore accounts, thereby avoiding taxation. This tax evasion is not only unethical but also exacerbates the magnitude of economic inequality. Given these reasons, there is a strong reason why economic inequality is an important issue deserving of the public's and policymakers' attention.
Rawls’ Difference Principle
Rawls’ difference principle is the second principle of justice, which proposes that social and economic inequalities should be reasonably advantageous to everyone and should, under the condition of fair equality of opportunity, be attached to positions and offices accessible by all (Rawls 53). Distributive justice should be about choosing the most equitable distribution of wealth so that everyone benefits, even when they lack equal access to wealth.
Beyond the fair equality of opportunities presented through fundamental liberties, there are other opportunities that allow some people to gain more wealth than others. For instance, as a child, Mark Zuckerberg, one of the wealthiest men in the world, had the opportunity to learn Atari BASIC Programming from his father (Basu 7). The chance to learn sets him apart from most people and can be directly linked to the wealth he has right now. He has built his wealth through technological innovation, and his early exposure to technology played a significant role in his success (Basu 7). However, this is an opportunity that is not equally available to all, yet the difference principle proposes equality in the availability of opportunities to gain more wealth than others. Not everyone had the chance to be exposed to technology as Zuckerberg did. As such, not everyone with the same aspirations to be technologically skilled had the opportunity to achieve those aspirations. By Rawl’s difference principle, people with similar aspirations should not be hindered by their social or economic class (Rawls 63). Doing so is unjust and makes inequality disadvantageous to the affected individuals.
Rawls’ principle does not refute inequality; it acknowledges that the distribution of income and wealth does not need to be equal (Rawls 53). The existence of inequality is not what makes economic inequality unjust. Econo...
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